We are so very much alike – Z and I – and no one has noticed it yet. So we will keep it a secret.
FACT I: Whatever we do or don’t do, neither Z nor I ever receive ongoing Bad Publicity for more than a brief temporary moment in history via WWSOG-BOG Advertisements via political ‘news’ institutions (i.e., MSM – referred to by Bad Trump Populist supporters World-Wide as the EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS. They are so vulgar!)
FACT II: Both Z and I casually ban opposition political parties, any true opposition media and imprison or ‘terminate’ inconvenient journalists. [Z even ‘innocently discovered’ an American free-lance journalist dead in his prisons, without any benefit of a lawyer who spoke any language that the victim spoke and no MSM institution ever took note of it. Kudos to Z’s masterful handling of the ‘Press.’]
FACT III: I regularly steal elections for decades since I founded my political party in the 1990s. I can never lose. Z simply bans elections – much simpler and more efficient.
FACT IV: Even though neither Z nor I is ‘leading’ a government inside the EU, the defacto Sovereign Monarch of France (Macron) is a sincere and enthusiastic ‘lackey’ (or boot-licker) to each of us. The great HUMAN RIGHTS Double Standard HOAX works perfectly for us both. In fact, some months ago a domestic political opposition activist residing in France for many years was immediately hand-delivered by Macron to my ‘care’ when demanded. [The dissenter’s obvious claim to be ‘FEARFUL OF PERSECUTION’ (the HUMAN RIGHTS Cliché for perpetual ‘asylum’) miraculously did not apply the way it does for Islamist known Radicals (and even Islamist Terrorists) whenever addressed by European courts – both EU and national.]
FACT V: Z has clandestinely employed Muslim Brotherhood Terrorists from Chechnya (and possibly elsewhere) in his military (and/or paramilitary – or ‘irregular’ forces). In this area, I have him beat. I (along with Qatar, a junior partner) constitute the secure political leadership national governments that promote, protect and even finance Muslim Brotherhood Terrorists worldwide.
FACT VI: Z has sent Terrorists into Russia to murder many, including patriotic internet civilians (even the daughters of Russian politicians with car bombs), always tacitly approved by the WWSOG-BOG. My best analog is to have had a former (or contemporary) bodyguard murder a Russian ambassador at a public event in my territory. I’ll bet you don’t remember his name!
FACT VII: Name any prominent putatively Western territory, other than mine or Z’s, that has never experienced Muslim Brotherhood Riots, Drug Gangs or Terrorism. Bet you can’t!
FACT VIII: Z has had his ‘irregulars’ (Terrorists) blow up Russian energy pipelines to the defacto Serfs of Europe and get the EU political bootlickers to blame Russia. He is way ahead of me on that one! Kudos to Z yet again! He owns the ‘Press.’
FACT IX: Z and I have aligned financial interests. His billions are supplied by unknowing U.S. taxpayers and EU Political bootlickers – but he shares it with my wholly-owned subsidiary so-called country by purchasing supplies – especially with my personal family. (My son-in-law owns the drone company Z buys his drones from with ‘Western’ money.)
FACT X: Z has, in his territory, stolen Historically Significant Jewish Burial Grounds and sold them for the development of profitable co-op apartments. The world has never heard of this. But, in this area, I have Z completely beat. I provide the headquarters for Holocaust II. Hamas is secure in my country. We have no pity in my country for the Jews who were tortured and murdered (without pictures available) from October 7th onward. In this area, I get 95% of the kudos. Z’s putative Jewish ancestry qualifies him for honorary membership to the J Street putatively Jewish powerful lobbying organization. He ought to join it.
Much more to come.
PS. The world has little noted nor long remembered that, after the Ottoman Turkish Empire was on the losing side of WW I, the 1919 Treaty of Versailles assigned to the USA Mandate Territorial control of Armenia and the so-called Turkish Straits to American control. It never happened.