[The following is the author’s opinion of how Bernard Sanders would speak to his supporters and Hillary Clinton would speak to her supporters if they both spoke the whole truth – with perpetual secrecy being assured. The author does not suggest that these words and thoughts have actually been expressed by either Bernie or Hillary.]
[Philosophically-Rooted True Beliefs that Inform and Motivate]
Bernie’s simple reasoning might be as follows:
Editor’s Note: If Bernie Sanders had not so publicly (and with perfect Political Correctness) questioned the Content of Hillary’s Goldman Sachs speech, the MainStream Media (or Drive-By Media or Drive-By’s or Big Media or Dominant Media, etc. ad nauseam) would never have reported its existence at all – before so totally forgetting its prior importance, even with the existential reminders of serially released WikiLeaks. See if you can find the CONTENT of the speech included in multitudinous New York Times critical reporting focused exclusively on the hypothetical EVIL MOTIVES of the Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin Right-Wing Conspiracy. Don’t hold your breath!
[Philosophically-Rooted True Beliefs that Inform and Motivate]