[The following is my best memory of the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth – thankfully protected by the First Amendment.]
The Muslim Brotherhood has trained Western National Intelligence to believe Putin is trying to recreate either the Soviet Union or the pre-WWI Russian Empire and is the preeminent EXISTENTIAL THREAT TO CIVILIZATION. I believe the three genuine Existential Threats to Civilization are the CCP, the IRG and the multi-faceted Muslim Brotherhood – not Putin and Russia.
[Every election that favors Russian interests whether in Russia or elsewhere is immediately declared by the WWSOG-BOG as illegitimate. No crooked Erdogan election has ever been challenged by the WWSOG-BOG. And President-for-Life Zelinsky also goes unchallenged.]
The fantasy a genuine tyrant is following to recreate a pre-WWI empire is that of Erdogan and the Islamic Republic of Turkey. Erdogan’s tyranny has stolen Turkey from the Ataturk-created post-WWI secular westernizing state it had been from WWI until the 1990s a decade after the Cold War ended. His tyranny (domestic and foreign) is never an ‘ISSUE’ for the ‘CIVILIZED WORLD’ to consider. The following constitutes ten real but forgotten facts of Turkish history.