Number 1 is half-way there; Number 2 has 60% (3 out of 5) Democrat Party Voters already – and 3-4 months of Evil Scumbag Press and its coordinated Social Media PERSUASION should significantly raise the percentage.
PS. As to the Secret Service-FBI reliability to ‘serve’ America, I call your attention to the essay entitled “A Tale of Two de facto French-Named Sovereign Monarchs” posted on this website on October 24, 2023, the second one I posted following the HAMAS Demonstration of Pure Political Evil on October 7, 2023. The last quarter of this small essay tells the tale of the late Craig DeLeeuw Robinson. He is as forgotten as Gonzalo Lira, American journalist killed in the Great Zelinsky’s noble Ukrainian prisons without ever speaking to an English- or Spanish-speaking lawyer. If you ever heard of either one, watch your back, and demand to see FBI credentials while uploading the interview to the internet if the HAMAS-loving FBI wishes to ‘talk’ to you. And don’t wear a kippah (yarmulka) near an FBI-shielded university campus or pro-HAMAS public demonstration.