The following is my best memory of the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth – thankfully protected by the First Amendment.
In 1933, after Hitler’s Nazi (National Socialist German Workers’ Party) won a plurality of seats in the Bundestag, they followed a two-step process to consolidate power.
STEP 1: The large Communist Party contingent was banned as a threat to German self-rule Democratic choice.
STEP 2: With a plurality magically turned into a majority, they then passed the ‘Enabling Acts’ giving the leadership combined Executive and Legislative authority for ostensibly four years.
The contemporary Left-Wing (and Islamist) Ruling Class de facto Nazis of today’s Germany are approaching STEP 1 of consolidating its Dictatorial Power by attempting to ban the populist AFD party as a threat to German self-rule Democratic choice.
[It is odd to recall that several people were tried for the ‘Reichstag Fire’ – Rolf Lubbers, a retarded free-lance Dutch communist caught at the scene and some Bulgarians. Lubbers was convicted and the others, due to a lack of ‘Objective Evidence,’ were acquitted. (One of them subsequently spent a decade leading Stalin’s Communist International.)
[Today’s European (both national and EU) Judiciary no longer requires Objective Evidence. The advocacy of ‘Experts’ and ‘Authorities’ (often pretending to be scientific) is the new standard of Subjective ‘Evidence.’]