[Everything contained below is my best memory of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and my personal opinions all of which is thankfully protected by the First Amendment.]
Born in 1945, living in New York City, attending public school right on through college (CCNY) in the 1960s, to me, the name Richard Nixon was the name of one of the four most socially hated prominent Americans in government and politics.
[The others were:
My TV news was supplemented by the New York Times, starting in PS 93 about 1955, (bought at school for 13 cents per week). My perpetually liberal mother loved the New York Post – then owned by the very Left-Wing Dorothy Schiff (until bought by Rupert Murdoch in the 1980s). They had a great sports section and seemed to have a far greater hatred of Richard Nixon than even the New York Times.
When I was still in college in the 1960s, two conservative newspapers (The World Telegram and Sun and the Journal American) died. The centrist Republican Herald Tribune also died. The Herald Tribune had no great love for Nixon either. I don’t think I ever read the World Telegram and Sun (Scripps-Howard syndicate paper) or the once powerful Journal American (a Hearst publication).
The Journal American (and the Hearst syndicate) had been very powerful until the late 1950s. Their TV critic, Jack O’Brien, was the most influential such newspaper TV critic in America. I never learned all that until the Reagan years, the 1980s, and subsequently.
If you watched the anti-anti-communist movie about Edward R. Murrow, produced a few years after 9/11/2001, you will see Murrow and his brown-nosing followers at CBS news sitting around a restaurant table waiting for the Jack O’Brien review of their nightly news-‘spin’ when the Journal American had been printed and on the newsstand. The extremist Left-Wing personally privileged CELEBRITY A$$HOLE George Clooney is the movie-maker of “Good Night and Good Luck.” Funding was also provided by the imbecilic Left-Wing extremist billionaire Mark Cuban. Now that I have politically grown up, these schmucks make me want to puke.
Libel Law Destruction
Long before the 1965 Sullivan Rule SCOTUS catastrophic error empowered the EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS to massively Defame with Fraudulent Slanders anyone they despise (none more than Donald J. Trump for nine years now), American libel law operated very rationally. If anyone believed that they had been slandered, they would bring a libel suit and go to court before a jury of their peers to seek Justice. The defense would either surrender with a public apology and money in a ‘settlement,’ or defend its presumably ‘honest reporting’ by bringing to court as witnesses the necessary two sources to testify under oath and then to be CROSS-EXAMINED. Without two identifiable ‘sources,’ no newspaper would risk the cost in money and reputation of being caught lying. Back then, when the newspaper industry was highly competitive, they would have been destroyed by their opposition. The Sullivan Rule Stare Decisis egregious error destroyed all that requirement for integrity.
[Back in the 1950s, there was a TV scandal about lying to the public, but it had nothing to do with ‘news reporting.’ It was in the entertainment division of network broadcasting. It became known as the “Quiz Show Scandal.” There was even a movie about it, albeit somewhat incomplete in its movie narrative.
[For a while in the 1950s, several quiz shows got huge ratings dispensing large amounts of cash. For several years, the most popular such show was called “TWENTY-ONE.” The first very extremely successful contestant was named Herb Stempel. Viewers like me really believed that he won over $100.000 cash – a fortune in the era. The producers subsequently preferred a new contestant, handsome Charles Van Doren (son of an honorable and renowned Columbia University Literature Professor named Mark Van Doren).
[Contestant Charles Van Doren was much better looking and far more photogenic – especially as he mopped his sweaty brow allegedly struggling to think of an answer. (He became such a big star that NBC gave him a well-paying job as a ‘science expert’ on the Dave Garroway Today Show. I don’t think he had real scientific training.
[In point of fact, virtually no one had to ‘struggle to think of the answer.’ The whole show was a fraud. Questions and answers were strategically given to many of the contestants before the broadcasts (like Hillary Clinton was so informed by her pal Donna Brazile in the 2016 Presidential Debate). Furthermore, the actual money prizes were a small fraction of the TV broadcast claims.
[Herb Stempel really was the most knowledgeable contestant and had been promised an NBC job. First they dumped him for Charles Van Doren and then broke their promise of a job. At that point, he was embittered and began to complain three different ways. First he went to Jack O’Brien of the Hearst Syndicate with the inevitably blockbuster story. However, this was years before the egregious Sullivan Rule which empowered the EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS to lie with impunity. Although there were several dozens of people fully knowledgeable about the fraud, not a single one would be the Jack O’Brien magical ‘second source’ going on the record – therefore, the editors could not publish the Jack O’Brien blockbuster story.
[Next Herb Stempel went to the Manhattan District Attorney. Although a Democrat, the DA, like almost all lawyers in that era, even Democrat Party lawyers and judges, was an old-fashioned honest public servant in what was then the two-party State of New York. (In that era, no one became a millionaire from being in politics – a competitive press would ferret out the crooks unlike today where the EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS is a critically important component of the Ruling Class Social Oligarchy.) The DA impaneled a Grand Jury and subpoenaed dozens of potential witnesses. Every single one lied by ‘playing dumb.’ (Perhaps some used the Hillary Clinton perfected lie of ‘I can’t recall.’)
[Finally, the charge was brought to Tennessee Senator Estes Kefauver who had become famous as a committee chairman for investigating corruption. (His earlier investigation of the Mafia had justified J. Edgar Hoover’s expanded permanent FBI investigation of the Mafia. As best I know, every non-Italian other ethnic organized Crime Gang still goes uninvestigated by the holy FBI. It would not surprise me if either the Bloods or Cripps have murdered ten, one hundred or even one thousand times as many people – but as far as the FBI is concerned, they are totally unimportant.
[Starting with President Eisenhower, or perhaps even his predecessor President Truman, with presidential authorization, Hoover’s FBI infiltrated the then terrorist, murderous Ku Klux Klan.
[Kefauver subpoenaed NBC employee Charles Van Doren who went into hiding for a while. As best I know, once the whole story came out, the show was dropped, its producers ‘suffered’ several years without a lucrative TV network sale before returning. As best I know, not one single felonious perjurer ever went to jail. (Of course, none of them were, like Steve Bannon, associated with today’s quintessential booger-man Donald J. Trump. President Trump then was still a youth just like me.)]
The Social Danger of Being a Dogged Anti-Communist
All four BAD GUYS (Nixon, Hoover, McCarthy and Cohn), and not coincidentally, were dogged anti-communists. “The Secret World of American Communism,” the 26th source listed in the ‘About the Book’ section on this website, was produced by several Ivy League professors who, at the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, were given full access to the Soviet Union’s files of the American Communist Party’s subversion of America. Among many such revelations, it clearly acknowledged that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were very high in the Spy Apparatus in America and elsewhere in the Western Hemisphere and in charge of the stealing of the atomic bomb secrets. In 1949, the Soviet Union exploded their first atomic bomb.
In 1953, during the Korean War, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were successfully prosecuted by Roy Cohn with vast amounts of evidence gathered by undercover FBI agents working for Hoover. (Except for Tim McVeigh, they were the only criminals executed by the Federal Government in my lifetime.) Hoover was using the FBI to spy on known Communists with Presidential approval from early in the 1920s until his death in 1972. The American Communist Party used tens of thousands of ‘useful idiots’ to intimidate Law Enforcement to never again execute a Communist traitor by changing the ‘narrative’ of American politics to make an anti-Communist calling someone a Communist without irrefutable proof then was dangerous to the accuser in the diametric opposite way of today where any Left-Wing fanatic can destroy anyone today by calling them a ‘Racist’ with no more ‘proof’ than that allegedly an anonymous ‘source’ secretly claims to have heard of the accused once privately used the N-word. We have come a long way down the road to irrationality during my lifetime.
The first important thing to understand about the American Communist Party subversion of America is that one must understand that there were four categories of such participants. Two of those categories joined the Communist Party as members and, no doubt, received their propaganda updates in the Daily Worker. A small percentage of such people were knowing and willful subversives. The vast majority were not so recruited and never believed that the Communist Party was subverting America. There were also two categories of what was then known as ‘Fellow Travelers.’ A tiny percentage of such ‘Fellow Travelers,’ without their names on the membership list of the party, collaborated with the subversives. The preponderance of such ‘Fellow Travelers’ were even more innocent than the Communist Party members who were not participating subversives.
[The two morally decent best human beings in my mother’s family (i.e., people with a real individual conscience) – my mother and her cousin Herman, my godfather – both died never knowing the Rosenbergs were rightfully executed for Treason (my mother, in ignorance, died in 1998 and my godfather around 1981 a decade before the fall of the USSR). I too had, for decades, believed that the Rosenbergs were executed because they were of Jewish ancestry not for Communist treason until I politically grew up starting in the 1980s. Boy, oh boy, have I learned a shit-load of real factual history to contradict the eternal narrative that Communism and the Left-Wing is eternally on the ‘moral high ground’ no matter how many hundreds of millions of innocents they murder in the eternal good cause of ‘fighting for social justice.’
[The liberal intellectual Richard Radosh made quite a great effort, only partially successful, attempting to persuade liberal American Jews that the Rosenbergs were 100% guilty.]
To fill out the more complete truth, I am going to have to add the complex chronological history of the ACLU, an originally noble group of non-profit lawyers, who were quickly subverted in the 1920s or 1930s, and then, thanks to the Hitler-Stalin Pact, had about two decades of restored integrity, before the extreme radical bias returned and has only grown worse in recent decades.
You will note that, in the 1962 movie classic “The Manchurian Candidate” starring Frank Sinatra, set in the period 1953 to 1956, the libertarian Senator Jordan, played by John McGiver, had been libeled by the wife (played by Angela Lansbury) of the McCarthy-like irrational fanatical anti-communist Johnny Iselin. She had accused the Senator Jordan character of being a Communist. Because they had had no proof, the John McGiver character sued her for libel, won $62,000 in damages and bragged about giving the money to the ACLU which, at that time, was loyal to America and disloyal to the American Communist Party secretly reporting on such subversives to J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI.
During WWI, a number of honest Americans resisted the idea of being forcibly conscripted into the 1917-18 WWI US Army. They required lawyers to defend them in court – but most were too poor to pay. The ACLU was formed to provide those lawyers.
The Bolshevik Party Actually Tried to Take Over the World with Violent Revolutions
After WWI ended, along with the 1917 Bolshevik coup d’etat (or ‘putsch’ in German) and even before the so-called Russian Civil War (1919-1921), even before the Soviet Union was fully established, the Bolshevik hierarchy sent out operatives to physically overthrow existing governments for the Communist Social Justice. In the beginning, they sincerely believed that a worldwide revolution just needed a little encouragement. Two major countries, after WWI, were the most important targets.
Post-war Weimer Germany was formed by the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm and the end of the autocratic imperial German government. They had had a Reichstag, a national legislature, but it was irrelevant to military and foreign policy – the essence of national government. After the war, the legislature became supreme, and its dominant majority was the Social Democrat Party – a democratic Marxism-believing party – as opposed to a Revolutionary ‘ends justify the means’ Communist Marxist party (i.e., Marxist-Leninist Party). Communists, led by such famous fanatics as Rosa Luxembourg, attempted to do in Germany what the Bolsheviks in Russia did in 1917. Communist national liberation warriors (i.e., Death Squad Murderers), using firearms, murdered anyone who got in the way of their local government takeovers. The legitimate Social Democrat National government hired a host of ex-WWI military, formed what was called the Freikorp and killed the Revolutionaries, restored order and were then disbanded so the highly democratic Weimar Republic could be restored.
[I never learned all that until the 1980s. If it were in my high school or college formal education, the necessary emphasis to plant the memories never made it to my brain – although I have been more knowledgeable about history than at least 90% of my peers going all the way back to elementary school when I happily read my way through the Public Library Signature Book biography series for children. I read those books in my spare time out of pure curiosity.]
The even more important Communist Revolutionary post-WWI failure was right here in the USA. In both high school and college, I learned – never to forget – the following clichés: – “Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and the ‘Red Scare’ threatened American Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. If my formal education had actually also ‘taught’ of the provocation, I never remembered it.
In 2011, the movie “J. Edgar,” starring Leonardo Di Caprio (the private-jet globe-trotting warrior against the mandatory for photosynthesis gas called carbon dioxide which plants use to create vegetation as food and free up oxygen for people and animals to breathe), was produced. A few years later, I acquired an inexpensive copy in a used video store and have played it (and studied it) many times. The movie opens with the nationwide simultaneous evening explosions of almost a dozen bombs directed against high government officials including the Quaker Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer who barely averts death by going upstairs to his wife and bedroom moments earlier. Other Cabinet members, US Senators, a Supreme Court Justice and billionaires J. D. Rockefeller and J. P. Morgan were also targeted that night. There were also riots in Chicago caused by a lack of power due to an illegal Communist coal strike. On the first anniversary of Armistice Day, November 11, 1919, a parade in Seattle of returning WW I veterans was fired upon by Communists – killing several of them. All of this is the cause of what I was indoctrinated to believe was the putatively irrational ‘Red Scare.’
The ‘Red Scare,’ when looked at rationally, appears to be a conniving political trivializing cliché to forever brainwash the naïve, the gullible, the weak-willed and the stupid. (It worked as such on me until I saw this movie a few years after 2011 when it was released.)
Hoover’s pursuit of highly organized Communists in a number of locations around the country with weapons and bomb material and printing presses with the same Communist propaganda leaflets led to all of 500 or so foreigners being forcibly deported with the approval of the Department of Labor because of their motivation to overthrow our government.
(If you can’t see the political forest for the political trees, you probably believe the January 6, 2021 hoax and the Gestapo, i.e., FBI, have been heroes for almost four years now, saving America from an Insurrection. An Insurrection in which the only ‘weapon’ brought into the Capitol Building was one pepper spray.)
J. Edgar Hoover’s career in the Department of Justice begins here, and early in the 1920s, he is directed to create the FBI by the then Republican Attorney General. Until Hoover’s death in 1972, every president authorized him to secretly – without court orders – spy on every known Communist with wiretaps on their telephones and those that they conversed with. His secret operation gave him an enormous file of typed transcripts under his personal control. Whether there were 5 or 500 FBI agents assigned to this program, I have no idea – but there were far more than his second-in-command Clyde Tolson and his executive assistant and secretary Miss Gandy.
During the Hitler years, starting in the early 1930s, American Nazi sympathizers got the same FBI scrutiny. With authorization from either President Eisenhower or his predecessor President Truman, Hoover’s FBI infiltrated the terrorist Ku Klux Klan to destroy it via law enforcement. After the Kefauver Hearings on the Mafia, Italian Organized Crime gangsters also got the same scrutiny. Undercover FBI double-agents were part of the pattern beginning in the 1930s with the Communist movement. As a child, I saw a TV syndicated program which had begun on the radio called “I Led Three Lives” about such a figure who was an FBI agent pretending to be a loyal Communist pretending to spy on the FBI for the Communist movement.
FBI undercover spies had long since become fake Communists starting in the 1930s. During the 1930s, in fear of his totalitarian rival Hitler, Stalin had his international agents and ‘useful idiot’ sympathizers constantly agitate for war by the West against Hitler’s ever-growing police state. Churchill feared and despised Communism starting with the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 (for ignoring three centuries of civilized diplomatic protocols and casually murdering anyone who got in their way – all idealists always believe the ‘ends’ of their noble goal justify the ‘means’ of their atrocities to get there.) Then, when Hitler came along in the early 1930s, Churchill (who liked to portray Hitler in the beginning as a mere ‘gutter-snipe’) immediately perceived an even greater and geographically closer danger to CIVILIZATION from a more technologically advanced country.
Back in America, through the late 1930s and early 1940s, Hoover repetitively approached the ACLU to divorce themselves from American Communist lawyer-employees and Communist client-defenders from federal prosecution. He got nowhere until shortly after the September 1, 1939 Hitler-Stalin Pact, the invasion of Poland and the beginning of WWII. At that point, the non-Communist ACLU leadership began to wake up and grow up for about two decades until the 1960s and the Viet Nam War and military conscription brought that attack of common sense to an end. Starting during the Hitler-Stalin Pact, the ACLU secretly collaborated with Hoover and the FBI. (They even identified secret Communists who tried to reinfiltrate them.)
The USSR went from enemy of civilization to ally in its defense shortly after the June 22, 1941 German invasion of the USSR. (This was six months BEFORE Pearl Harbor.) Naturally, Stalin and his agents promised that they had learned their lesson and would be a free democratic country after Hitler was defeated. With the exception of very few, like J. Edgar Hoover and Winston Spencer Churchill and American Generals George S. Patton and Douglas McArthur (two history buffs), virtually all the prominent political figures believed him. Hoover never stopped spying on Communists.
The Cold War Takes Hold
After the War, (especially after the stealing of Atomic Bomb secrets by Communists), and the 1948 Berlin Blockade-caused airlift and then the 1949 Soviet atom bomb explosion, the Cold War definitely began for real. Starting no later than 1948, Communist spies were brought to trial in such numbers that their ‘need’ for lawyers led to ‘fellow travelers’ (pro-Communist who did not sign up for Communist Party membership), William Kuntsler and Leonard Boudin (father of the Clinton-pardoned terrorist murderer Kathy Boudin) founded the National Lawyers Guild to provide those lawyers.
I think it was in that book that I mentioned earlier derived from the Soviet files of their American Communist Party operatives includes a very interesting anecdote about the spy apparatus. Leon Trotsky had been exiled by Stalin in 1929. (His reputation was far too great for Stalin’s regular ‘show-trial’ and execution.) When the Hitler-Stalin Pact occurred initiating WW II, Trotsky, living in Mexico, contacted the American Congress to tell them not to ever trust Stalin’s word about anything. He did not get a chance to testify to a Congressional committee that would be sent to interview him. Communist spies in our government alerted Stalin who sent an emissary to the heads of his Western Hemisphere spy apparatus who sent an assassin to plant an ice axe in Trotsky’s head.
To this day, many American liberals are still in denial of the Soviet theft of Atomic Bomb secrets. When I carefully read, in the 1980s, the Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the Harper and Row paperback edition, on page 598 (incomprehensibly without an identifying entry in the index), the author reveals that in 1946, while being held and interrogated at Lubyanko Prison, he ‘held in his hands for two nights the Smyth Report, the official report of the Department of Defense on the first atomic bomb that had been brought in from the outside.’ (Solzhenitsyn was an educated scientist-engineer who could be useful for the Soviet atomic bomb project.)
The Eternal Power of Communist (Marxist-Leninist) Propaganda to Socially Influence the Public
If you read my essays, you will often encounter information I acquired, in whole or in part, from movies. I have always loved movies – good movies. There was a movie made within months of the June 22, 1941 German invasion of Hitler’s ally, the USSR. I saw it many times on TV in the 1950s, I believe on Channel 9’s Million Dollar Movie. The chronologically sequenced political history of its creation is important.
Before June 22, 1941, the USSR, as Hitler’s ally, was universally seen as an enemy of Civilization. People were not very interested in sympathizing with Communist sympathizers. The movie was originally titled “The North Star” an adumbration to an abolitionist 19th century publication created by Frederick Douglas. (By the time it got to TV in the 1950s, it was retitled “Armored Attack” and had a couple of minutes of documentary-style post-script acknowledging that Communism ended up betraying Democracy rather than supporting it.
It was written by Lillian Hellman, a lifelong ‘political activist’ and devoted follower of Communism starting with Stalin. (If she was not the personal mentor of ‘Hanoi Jane,’ she would have known who it was. She was, arguably the most socially powerful Communist in Hollywood forever. Her alcoholic and betrayed ‘husband,’ Dashell Hammett, was a great dramatic and dialogue writer – author of “The Maltese Falcon” and “The Thin Man” classics, among others. For years, I have speculated that she had gotten Dash to really do her best dramatic work.)
In the movie “Armored Attack,” there is a peaceful, contented, happy ‘Russian’ collective farm village. The two opening scenes have the farm workers of the ‘collective’ farm singing joyously as they march off to the fields carrying their farm implements for the day’s labor. Then, some of the older children, including a very young and beautiful Farley Granger, set off on a little day hiking excursion to Kiev. (That’s the same Kiev where President-for-Life of today’s Ukraine, the Great Zelinsky, resides. Since it is hundreds of miles from Kiev to today’s Russian border, a modicum of common sense might help to enlighten you about today’s Great Ukrainian Hoax.)
Richard Nixon versus Communism
Getting back to Richard Nixon and his career, when he got out of the wartime Navy, he was elected to Congress in 1946. By 1946, Stalin’s betrayals were also becoming quite obvious and the House Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC) had been formed by the Congress. Young Richard Nixon was a member who doggedly pursued a very Aristocratic high-ranking in the US State Department Communist traitor named Alger Hiss.
We must briefly drop back to the February 1945 Yalta Conference to fill in the background of the story. In the 1944 Presidential Election, FDR, thankfully, had brought in a new and totally loyal American patriotic VP named Harry S. Truman, a senator from Missouri, who had become famous for investigating financial corruption and waste during WW II. FDR was sickly and dying, yet he traveled by ship to Yalta in the Crimea which had been re-acquired by the Soviet Union in the latter days of WW II in Europe.
(The German military surrendered in April 1945; the post-Hitler government officially surrendered in May.)
Alger Hiss was a very senior State Department official who was advising a dying FDR to make this disastrous ‘deal’ with Stalin. This was Churchill’s last ‘act’ in WW II. After the German military surrender, a UK election replaced him with a Labour Party fool.
Among the articles of the Yalta deal, Stalin was promised the following. Ninety days after the German complete surrender, Stalin was obligated to declare war – which he did after the A-bombs were used – he was given the northern half of the Korean Peninsular where industry and population was greatest. (He had long since prepared a Communist Ruling Class to move there and take over.) There could never have been a Korean War (1950-53) without Yalta. (He was even granted half of Sakhalin Island.)
He was also promised that, when the Japanese surrendered, all Japanese military forces were obligated to surrender to the nearest Allied army. That meant that the Japanese Kwantung Army in Northern China would surrender to the Red Army without a shot fired. Nearly a million Japanese soldiers went into the Gulag – several years later, about 10-15% of them were freed and allowed to return to Japan. (The world will never find out how many surviving Japanese prisoners, whether freed or not, had been indoctrinated with Communist Ideals.)
The Chinese Communist Party, with Stalin’s military assistance, broke the wartime truce with the legitimate Chiang Kai Shek government and quickly took over all of China, driving the remnants of the legitimate government into Taiwan for survival in 1949.
In a unique innovation to Totalitarianism Stalin was promised all pre-war Soviet ‘citizens’ (overwhelmingly Soviet troops that had surrendered to Germany after June 22 1941 by the millions) were to be forcibly repatriated. Millions of all kinds of people had fled to the West in terror as the Red Army was advancing at the end of the war, but the UK (now Labour Party government), true to its word, sent millions of them into the Soviet Gulag, or even worse, murdered on the docks of Sevastopol, Odessa, and elsewhere. When the ships arrived, many, belatedly realizing where they were being sent, committed suicide by banging their heads against the metal bulkheads before being unloaded.
[The Yalta-caused Korean War was an active set of actions during 1950 and 1951 and a static front stalemate for two years. The sticking point was the insistence by the Communist side on another round of forcible repatriations. This time the West refused. After the 1952 election, President Eisenhower told the British Commonwealth Canadian government to tell the British Commonwealth Indian government (then friendly with the USSR in opposition to western alliance with the rival Pakistan government) to tell the Communists that, if they did not drop their demand for Forcible Repatriation, we would use nuclear weapons to end the impasse. Though Stalin had some nuclear weapons starting in 1949 (from stolen Manhattan Project scientific secrets), the sheer imbalance of numbers brought the Korean War to a Ceasefire end. All of this information is 100% True and almost 100% unknown by today’s Experts and Authorities with Foreign Policy experience – especially those Prestigious Academic Brownnoses who have been ‘educated’ careerist WOKE senior military officers with meaningless graduate degrees who advance their pathetic careers by acquiring meaningless graduate school degree credentials.]
The Yalta sell-out slowly inspired a growing fear of Communism as events unfolded. By 1946, Congress summoned up the gumption to begin publicly investigating the Soviet Spy apparatus penetration of the US government. When Alger Hiss was questioned by the HUAC, he naturally lied about everything. Young Congressman Richard Nixon cemented his eternal opprobrium in the eyes of every Communist ‘useful idiot’ for all eternity by doggedly pursuing the investigation. A man named Whitaker Chambers came forward to expose Alger Hiss and the truth. (He subsequently wrote a wonderfully enlightening but difficult to acquire book called “Witness.” Chambers had for years been a conspiratorial Communist agent-messenger until the Hitler-Stalin Pact. Stalin and Hitler allied to initiate WW II which woke him up about the true nature of Marxist-Leninist Communist lust for power the way many others – even the ACLU for 20 years – achieving a normal view of Human Nature and the greatest political myth of all, namely Communist Ideals. Chambers, with his family, went into hiding for years fearful of being assassinated, but surfaced to refute Alger Hiss.
With a uniquely flawed typewriter of Alger Hiss providing the objective evidence proof, Nixon got Hiss convicted for lying to Congress and the US Government. In 1948, Nixon moved up to Senator. In 1952, he was selected by Eisenhower to be his Vice President. The Communist-caused Liberal Hatred of Richard Nixon never waned – even after his death in the 1990s. He was right up there with J. Edgar Hoover (dying in 1972) at the very top of their Hate List.
[The third Left-Wing boogerman, Roy Cohn, a young Jewish anti-Communist lawyer, joined them with as little moral justification, first as the lead prosecutor of the Rosenbergs who led the Soviet Spy apparatus that stole the scientific Atomic Secrets for Stalin and thereby endangered humanity for generations. When Senator Joe McCarthy, a bloviating half-drunk Demagogue, pursued by then minor Communist penetration of the US Army, Roy Cohn was the lead Republican lawyer in the ‘Army-McCarthy’ hearings. The hearings began before the end of the Korean War. McCarthy drank himself to death in 1958. The term ‘McCarthyism’ is arguably the most powerful cliché to dominate any debating rival in the history of politics.]
In the 1960 election, as I read in Theodore White’s classic history called “The Making of the President 1960” – the first in a series of such books by the most senior White House correspondent – he revealed facts I only learned when reading this book 15 or 20 years after its publication. Nixon had actually won the 1960 election (with Jackie Robinson sometimes campaigning by his side) but Mayor Daley’s Chicago illegally voted enough dead people to give Illinois to JFK – and the Lyndon Johnson then Racist Dixiecrat party of Texas also stole that state’s electoral votes.
Because Nixon was a truly heroic patriot, so as to avoid chaotic disruption to the country, Nixon refused to pursue Justice in our court system.
[My mother, a devoted innocent Liberal, hated Richard Nixon, J. Edgar Hoover and Roy Cohn until the day she died in 1998. My mother was a truly well-meaning decent soul without a hint of Narcissism that motivated her two younger overwhelmingly Narcissistic selfish siblings. My mother’s first cousin, Herman Weiss, my godfather, was also a truly well-meaning soul without the defect of Narcissism that endangers the world for the rest of us. He also sincerely believed that the Rosenbergs were executed because they were innocent believers in Communist Ideals and, being Jewish, made them excellent targets for an unfair prosecution. Herman died in 1980 or 1981 never able to learn the irrefutable truth about Communism, especially American Communism. Being a good, honest man, he would have been astonished and appalled how he and so many others he knew had been completely fooled. I never could even explain to my mother before she died in 1998 that in the middle of the Watergate Witch Hunt, during the October 1973 Yom Kippur War, Nixon saved Israel which had lost virtually all of their warplanes to Soviet-manned Surface-to-Air Missiles (SAM) on the Egyptian Front by having American pilots fly resupplying US warplanes from NATO bases in Spain to the Israelis (who had ten times as many trained pilots as planes) and then flew home by commercial jet to repeat the process as needed. In this case, the truth would only have left her feeling horrible for having been so egregiously fooled. I only learned the Yom Kippur War truth decades after it had occurred. Any truth that makes Left-Wing Ideals look bad is always hidden from view.]
Finally, some truth about Richard Nixon and the Viet Nam War. Lyndon Johnson was reelected in 1964 (after taking over from the mysteriously assassinated President JFK). His campaign revolved around his most famous promise. (It reminds me of Racist Woodrow Wilson’s theme in 1916: “He kept us out of war.” In 1917, with military conscription, American went to war again.) Lyndon Johnson declared: “I am not going to send American boys to do a job that Asian boys ought to do themselves.”
In 1968, Richard Nixon was elected president promising a plan to end the Viet Nam War participation by the USA. For three of the four years of the large-scale Johnson war, families of our pilots held captive in Hanoi Hilton would come to Johnson who ordered them not to publicize their captive relations or ‘things would be worse.’ After his election in 1968, Nixon was told about our POWs who had been ‘accumulated’ by the Communists starting in 1965 with naval pilot Lt. J. G. Alvarez. The return of our POWs was a Nixon Priority, with Henry Kissinger, intermittently, SECRETLY negotiating in Europe with the North Vietnamese almost from the beginning of the new administration for four long years.
I innocently and foolishly voted for McGovern in 1972 in hopes that he would end the war without knowing hardly anything about the first term of Nixon. What little exposure to NEWS I had left me believing Nixon was ‘expanding’ the war. Outside the liberal bastion of NYC, even upstate in New York, almost all of America knew better. Nixon was, in a landslide, reelected with 49 of 50 states.
After the election, in December 1972, for about a dozen days, Nixon carpet-bombed Hanoi and bombed Haiphong Harbor where our putative NATO allies were selling necessary goods to the enemy. Working long hours and living in a residential hotel with only an AM clock radio, tuned to rock and roll stations, and glancing at New York Times headlines in the office. I thought Nixon was expanding the war again. I only learned about the Kissinger secret negotiations more than a decade later – without any factual understanding – even when the POWs were released in early 1973. I also learned some years later that the torture of our POWs ended when the ‘carpet-bombing’ began making the ground shake. Some of the Communist guards even became friendly.
It was another one or two decades later that I learned that North Vietnamese MIG jets were headquartered in Hanoi safely immune from American air attack until the ‘Christmas bombing.’ (You should watch a movie called “Flight of the Intruder” for a partial dramatization.)
The following table shows year-by-year totals of US military engaged in the Viet Nam War. You should study it with your own open mind if you are interested in the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth. Eisenhower was President until January 20, 1961. JFK was President until being assassinated November 22, 1963. LBJ was President thereafter until January 20, 1969 when Nixon took over. (The SEATO Treaty ending the French Indo-China War in 1954 permitted up to 1,000 US advisors in South Viet Nam – a democratically elected government.)
Year | # Troops | Year | # Troops | Year | # Troops | ||
1959 | 760 | 1964 | 23,300 | 1969 | 475,200 | ||
1960 | 900 | 1965 | 184,300 | 1970 | 334,600 | ||
1961 | 3,205 | 1966 | 385,300 | 1971 | 156,800 | ||
1962 | 11,300 | 1967 | 485,600 | 1972 | 124,200 | ||
1963 | 16,300 | 1968 | 530,100 | 1973 | 50 |
If you are normal, with a truly open mind, you should be as astonished as we were when we looked up the numbers just a few months ago.
Thanks to the EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS and the Watergate Hoax, starting in 1974, there are two noteworthy political changes that I never realized until decades later doing my best to completely avoid political news – and not even bothering to vote until 2004 when I was without any understanding of the insane ‘Rules of Engagement’ of my candidate of choice that year, George W. Bush, who sent our military into Iraq in 2003 with the idea of ‘regime change’ which sounded good. (I was wrong.)
Before 1974, the US House of Representatives was a two-party competitive system. From 1974 to 1994 when Newt Gingrich’s ‘Contract with America’ restored Congressional electoral competition, for 20 years the ever more corrupt Democrat Party ruled. (They invented so many committees with such a plethora of sub-committees that it became a conservative Republican joke that, if a predatory lobbyist walking the halls spotted a ‘relevant’ committee chairman walking down the hallway and shouted in his direction: “Mister Chairman, Mister Chairman,” every single Democrat would turn around to see who wanted to give him a campaign contribution as a Quid Pro Quo for his ‘Special Interest’ legislation.
But until Reagan left office in 1989 when the Cold War ended, quite a few of those Democrats were still more patriotic than the near-totally 100% corrupt Scumbags of today. (Other than Senator John Fetterman some of the time, I would never trust the integrity of a single contemporary Democrat Party professional politician ever again.)
The second point is completely lost to history. After Nixon left office, our supposed ‘allies’ in Saudi Arabia, who had interrupted ARAMCO oil flow to the US in support of the Racist Arab Supremacist 1973 Yom Kippur War simple stole the 85-90% of ARAMCO that was not theirs. Corrupt American politicians in the young and growing UNIPARTY let it happen. (ARAMCO had been 25% owned by EXXON, 25% owned by CHEVRON, 25% by TEXACO. The remaining 25% was owned by MOBIL and the Saudi Monarchy in a 10% – 15% ratio but, at this time, I cannot remember who had the larger portion. Years later, a tiny percentage of their monopoly profits was bestowed as inadequate compensation for the victims of their unchallenged theft.)
I do not believe that the Saudi thieves would have tried that with an incorruptible, patriotic Richard Nixon who was not is the middle of the full time Watergate Hoax.