Back on December 5, 2020, on this website, I posted a lengthy essay (“Reason vs. Faith”) about what I always believed was the fraudulently stolen 2020 Presidential Election.
Since political clichés constitute the preponderance of the moronic political ‘talking points’ that useful idiot amateur votaries condescendingly use to brow-beat rational skeptical challenges to their narcissistic political ‘beliefs,’ I emphasized three such clichés that, within one month of the stolen election, had already become the new standard ‘debating points’ for months, even years to come.
For many, many months rational challenges were swept away with the arrogant declaration ‘THAT WAS ALREADY DEBUNKED.’ The high school level English language translation of their use of the word ‘DEBUNKED’ is the ALL POWERFUL EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS has ‘officially’ declared such rational First Amendment challenges to have been completely disallowed and even ‘criminalized’ to dare state publicly – including public expressions on vast swaths of so-called ‘Social Media Platforms.’
The second cliché was widely employed by many careerist phonies like the great Bill O’Reilly declaring, “I HAVE PERSONALLY SEEN NO EVIDENCE THAT WOULD CHANGE THE RESULT.”
Such careerist hypocrisy has required the perpetual studious avoidance of such public spectacles as the election night freezing of the vote count and, at its resumption, reversing winning counts in critical swing states – and most especially the Fulton County steal. Even when a political challenge in the Georgia State legislature included the security camera video tape of the activity, it was declared irrelevant. The counting occurred in the Fulton Country Municipal Building where Republican counters had been chased out of the room, Democrats had returned, pulled out boxes of ‘ballots’ hidden under tables and proceeded to feed them through the machinery. The Democrat cheaters had had no idea that the Municipal Building’s security camera had captured their handiwork. I watched this hearing on Breitbart as the lead Democrat effectively declared that the TRUTH even with government security camera pictures in front of her had already been DEBUNKED. (Republicans had been chased out of the room due to a fraudulent threat of ‘flooding.’ I believe there actually was a leaking toilet somewhere else in the facility.)
The third cliché was used by a host of transparently biased judges refusing to entertain any and all legal challenges. (America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani had been bankrupted by these crooked judges who deserve personal bankruptcy and jail time for their criminal behavior.) They ALL claimed any pro-Trump attempt at justice through the courts was inadmissible because ‘YOU HAVE NO LEGAL STANDING!’
Today I read that the Left-Wing Extremist ACLU brings a ‘lawsuit’ to legally represent illegal criminal aliens held for deportation in Guantanamo as if they were legitimate American citizen clients.
Surely, if ever there were lawyers who ‘HAVE NO LEGAL STANDING,’ these evil ideologically motivated Scumbag Lawyers are the ones.