When the public persona of fraudulent failing politicians reaches a point of no return in their belatedly dying phony act, they become ever more hysterically, irrationally destructive.
Political thespian Longshanks Starmer, the Chief (Fake) Investigative ‘Prosecutor’ in the 10 or 15 years ago belatedly made public ‘Islamist Grooming Scandal’ whose fake ‘prosecution’ was a conniving massive cover-up in reality, has come up with a new ‘act’ of desperation. Before his perpetual enablers in the EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS, this time in Kiev, he unilaterally declared a 100-year UK-Ukraine alliance ‘deal.’ (Why not 1000 years? Hitler promised the German people the Third Reich would last for a thousand years.)
Back in the real world, I wonder about so many imponderables.
Let’s look at Hong Kong.
In 1898, the UK government and the then independent Chinese government actually signed a 99-year lease for British Sovereignty over Hong Kong. There was also a Railroad built in China with funds from internationally-sold Superlong-lived Sovereign Bonds. In 1949, the Chinese Communist Party took over the government of China. They stopped paying interest on their Sovereign Railroad Bonds. It became a decades-long big joke in the Finance Industry.
Hong Kong residents, with rare exception, assumed the UK would never yield Hong Kong to the CCP. In 1997, with yet another fake ‘international agreement’ (with inevitably future broken promises included), the CCP took over Hong Kong.
What kind of weird political fantasy enables any rational person to take the latest irrational unilateral declaration by political thespian Longshanks seriously? Maybe he is practicing for his next career as a BBC satirist?
I would like to add that the near 3 year old story briefly revealing several (illegal in the USA) American research labs for bioweapon research in the Ukraine being feared to fall into Russian invader hands has never been clarified, referred to or otherwise ‘terminated.’
Don’t you wonder what happened?