To destroy the Basic Universal Social Equality of the Free-Will Individual Eternal Human Soul as the Fundamental Belief of All Civilization – not just Modern Western Civilization – a 2-part co-terminus mechanistic process is required. The more easily identifiable process is the destruction of the mandatory minimal requirement of Individual and Personal Liberty guaranteed under a non-Tyrannical Political Structure that recognizes, abhors and disallows TYRANNY of Government Power to obviate alternative ideas being publicly expressed.
The second, and more subtle, process involves manipulating the Social Order of acceptable public expressions that should NEVER be used in Civilization to squelch the Individual Liberty to peacefully, without any coercive Force or Fraud, be permitted to express different opinions of Right vs. Wrong and Good vs. Evil different from those as socially pushed by the true (sometimes hard to see) Ruling Class. [Mob coercion with government activity, assistance or tacit (‘winking and nodding’) tolerance constitutes a basic requirement to destroy civilization.]
[Sorry for the pedantic lecture, if it confuses or repels you. It should be less offensive by the end of Part 2. Now for the ‘manipulation of the Social Order.’]
There was no ‘political’ activity (or ‘activism’) to speak of in the schools and the universities during the 1950s and 1960s during my New York City Public School and City College of New York education, which came to an end in 1967. A small amount of such INDOCTRINATION of the Young had begun outside the New York City public education world in other venues.
By the 1980s, without having had children to educate to ‘tip me off’ to this subversion, I began to notice the continuing growing reality of (Marxist-Leninist) ‘Progressive’ such ‘educational’ activities. If you need me to enlighten you about this Evil Left-Wing sociopathy in the schools and universities, you are so far behind the learning curve of this subversion, you should not waste your time and effort reading these two essays or anything else on this website. God Bless You and please, eternally, leave what is left of my life in peace and quiet. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion.
Part 1 is about not just all Mainstream Media (MSM) but especially about the SOCIAL Media influencing, and even controlling, of what passes for Public Opinion. (This is the stuff, in the aggregate, I cannot fail to identify and call the EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS.)
[In Social Media, there is a host of semi-official ‘Influencers,’ some of whom make a generous income leading the naïve, the gullible, the weak-willed and the stupid to believe not just the ‘truthfulness’ of the cliches they use to ‘persuade,’ but also the great importance of the topics and opinions they promote. (We are all, at times, persuaded by being naïve or gullible or weak-willed or stupid. Only willful Individual non-Social Rational Reasoning can restore a sensible view of Right vs. Wrong and Good vs. Evil.)
[A. Lincoln said the same truth in human nature much more simply when he wittily declared: “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.” Lincoln tragically died by assassination in 1865 – a time when the entire civilized world had yet to be infected by the Narcissistic idea that the Ideal of ‘making a better world’ could justify the use of any and all Coercive Force and/or Fraud. Nowadays, it is not so much that you can ‘fool all of the people all of the time,’ but there is no limit to the abusive use of Force and Fraud to completely obviate in the public world the expression of ‘dangerously’ alternative beliefs of Right vs. Wrong and Good vs. Evil. Today the SELECTIVE official use of the term HATE SPEECH by the True Ruling Class is the operative protocol. In the past, there have been others no doubt (such as Taboo, Blasphemy, Heresy and Impiety – the word used against Socrates!).]
Non-rational persuasion is fundamentally based on Emotional Persuasion as well as the trickery of Sophistry – Positive or Negative – but overwhelmingly reiterated and consistently communicated. Instead of God vs. the Devil, you find all GOOD on one side and all EVIL on the other. Until 2015, there was no Individual socially portrayed by media as invested with pure EVIL in our world. When a (truly naïve) Donald J. Trump came down the escalator to proclaim his candidacy in the 2016 Presidential Election, there had been no individual in the (mislabeled) ‘free-world’ to portray with public communication as the Devil Incarnate. (If, fifty years from now, the name of Donald J. Trump still exists in the Public Consciousness, it will be as a Hitler-like manifestation of Pure Evil. The alternative possible public memory will have zero knowledge of such a person’s prior existence.)
For almost a decade now, the vitriolic Public Defamation of his Character offers endless opportunity for immoral careerist phonies and morons everywhere, not just in politics and the ‘Entertainment’ world to secure and even better their existences.
(Among Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Muslim Brotherhood ‘activists’ as well as many ‘Progressives,’ he can serve as a greater Evil than Adolph Hitler himself. Hitler is dead; Trump is still breathing. I have encountered lots of (non-defamatory) ‘quotes’ from such that recognize that, at least, Hitler identified the deplorable, the disposable, Evil of the JEWS!! [If there were no Jews, there would be Peace and Harmony, not just in the Middle East (formerly called ‘Near East’) but everywhere!!]
The POSITIVE use of Emotional (Social Media and otherwise) Persuasion can be used for almost everything – not just politics. As an example, if your favorite sports team owner endorses a Product, (fully socialized and no longer individual) people might take out a loan just to feel and appear Socially Superior by wearing or otherwise displaying their symbols. Ten-year olds in elementary school ‘require’ sports star endorsed sneakers and other apparel.
I am such a Social Misfit that I find it, at best, pathetic and, at worst, contemptable.
When it comes to politics, there is a paradigm of such ‘positive persuasion’ which appears to begin, nationally, in 2004. [Previously, locally, in Illinois, with the assistance of two Marxist-Leninist Progressive ‘pardoned’ domestic terrorists (turned college professors) and a Muslim Brotherhood Racist Arab Supremacist ‘intellectual university literature professor,’ this ‘noble ‘anti-Trump politician expanded his universe.] Bursting onto the stage of history, by giving a rousing nominating speech at the 2004 Democrat National Convention, he seems to have worked tirelessly to cement the World-Wide Social Oligarchy Globalist, Muslim Brotherhood, Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Marxist-Leninist ‘Progressives’ into the permanent Ruling Class and did so with the massive and permanent assistance of all media – especially ‘Social Media.’
For twenty years, and no doubt eternally in the future, this individual is, and will be, treated as a Moral Messiah.
The following passage, from an entertainment industry Brown-Nose, publicly released in 2009, when this ‘Messiah’ took office as President, is the most perfect POSITIVE Social Persuasion Commentary I have ever encountered about anyone in all of human history that I know. (And I know a lot of history. I have loved history since I was in grade school and privately read so many Signature Series Biographies from the Public Library.)
As published in January 2009 (fifteen years ago):
To do list
One down, five to go.