I have two such questions. One is based on money and the other one on the Rules and Regulations of LEGAL PROCEDURE.
My historical inspiration consists of two criminal prosecutions for MURDER with massive world-wide constantly focused on for months media coverage. (If I hear something ten times, I and the rest of the world remember it better than a mere once or twice.)
Question 1: How much does it cost to have a First Class JURY CONSULTANT REPORT ON WHO TO AVOID?
Question 2: When and how was there such Gross IRRATIONALITY as a PRE-TRIAL HEARING, called a ‘HEARING TO SUPPRESS EVIDENCE.’ (Fully credentialed Scientists suppress evidence all the time if it dares to contradict their advocated BELIEFS. They are ‘credentialed’ – but they are FAKE SCIENTISTS.)
The first trial was held around 1987 and the second in 1995 – very close in time. One was in LA and the other was in Brooklyn. One trial was moved to a different venue ostensibly to avoid bias in the Jury Pool caused by massive news publicity. One prosecution had the most unlimited budget of any prosecution for a murder case that I know of. One defense had such an unlimited budget that they prepaid a non-refundable $1 million fee to the most famous and politically influential appeals lawyer should there have been a conviction. One accused was convicted and one was exonerated.
Do you remember these two trials?