Since the last Democrat Party line of defense against the return of ‘Government of the People, by the People and for the People’ in the landslide election of the new Trump Administration is keeping Kash Patel from cleaning up the top-down massively corrupted FBI (corrupted in stages since Judge William Webster left the job to replace the deceased Bill Casey as Director of the CIA), I have a suggestion.
The one Republican who is most massively pissed-off at all Big Government Corruption, most especially the Lobbyist – ‘Campaign Contribution’ – buying of Special Interest Legislation and Votes could serve as a 210-day Interim Appointment.
I would love to see an ABSCAM-type Sting Operation of the Uniparty Politicians (like Mitch McConnell) and the intertwined Lobbying Industry the way, in his second month as FBI Director (March 1978) Judge Webster ‘turned on’ the ‘Sting’ Investigation of crooked professional politicians happily pocketing (on clandestine video tape) envelopes of $20,000 in cash for ‘future influence.’
Matt Gaetz, presently out of politics, would be perfect for the job.