What if the 24-hour now dead and gone official FBI report that Iran HACKED the Trump Campaign communications AND GAVE IT TO THE DEMOCRATS also said that they also gave the ‘HACKED MATERIAL’ to WIKILEAKS too?
How could we have had eight years of Hillary-the-Liar and her Media Democrat Party ‘allies’ making it sound like the worst political scandal since their previous Big Lie about Putin ‘PERSONALLY HACKING’ the Hillary-the-Liar’s campaign in 2016?
In the spirit of OPERATION CROSSFIRE HURRICANE, this time could we have a LEGAL FISA warrant, three times legally renewed, involving Khamenei and the Harris campaign employees who received the stolen communications?
Suggestion: When Trump is President in 2025, perhaps we can have a real ‘Election Interference’ investigation with LEGAL and LEGITIMATE FISA WARRANTS?