Part I: Drug Gangs
If ‘Civilization’ is to be saved for the common people majority, where should we put this violent element?
No government in the civilized world willingly accepts the return of Murderous violent Drug Gangsters who have found a ‘home away from home’ to flourish in the USA. The Biden Administration’s welcome mat for such Billion Dollar Criminal Organizations has been lifted by the 21st century ‘no more Bullshit Philo Beddoe-style’ Trump directed return to Civilization.
Some countries’ governments are or have been co-opted by such violent Drug Gangsters – i.e. Communist Cuba, Communist Nicaragua, the pro-Communist ‘leadership’ in Columbia, etc.
Nayib Bukele, the ruthlessly anti-Drug Gang savior of El Salvador, makes a tragically valid point when he says that the Salvadoran Drug Gangs (M13, etc.) really grew rich and powerful and ruthlessly, mercilessly, Terrorizingly violent for effect in the lucrative Drug Markets of the corrupted USA.
Who but rich and personally privileged Celebrity A$$holes (CAs) from the corrupt Entertainment Industry or otherwise personally ‘connected’ personally privileged types like Hunter Biden can afford such illegal indulgences at the financial high-end. Everyone at the low-end can afford small amounts of such lethal substances – especially fentanyl.
[Hasn’t anyone noticed that, when a rich and famous Celebrity dies of such an overdose (John Belushi, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Matthew Perry, etc.), it takes ‘Law Enforcement’ all of a few days to incarcerate several ‘facilitators’ who could have been easily incarcerated before the Law Enforcement ‘political motivation’ of a Celebrity death. And yet, only the final ‘deliverers’ of the ‘illegal substances’ get the minimum ‘Law Enforcement.’ The Drug Gangs live on.
[At the ‘street level,’ public gunfights between rival gangs fighting for ‘territorial control’ may even show up on TV local news – but only as ‘mysterious and inexplicable gunfights.’ As long as the Rich and ‘Connected’ want their designer drugs, the game continues.
[Just as an example, if you are a rich Oligarchical crook in the Ukraine, your ‘supply’ will almost definitely arrive by ship through Odessa – the port created by Catherine the Great for taxable business and commerce in the late 1700’s Russian Empire. Illegal drugs even enter such tiny places as Bermuda (population 65.000) but almost entirely smuggled in by ship.
[As long as there is a ‘market’ of the regular super-rich users and as long as the super-rich willingly pay for it without the frequent ‘user’ treated similarly as the high-end facilitators who are minimally classified as ‘criminals,’ there will never be an end to it.]
We have a facility available, massively expandable, to incarcerate high-end Drug Gangsters for the rest of their evil lives – from whatever country, including our own. Drug Gang profits have been widely, almost universally, used to fund worldwide Terrorism – no later than the 1970-1982 era. When the PLO invaded Lebanon and subjugated the Shia underclass in the Beqaa Valley to produce illegal narcotics, the product was sold to rich Oligarchs in corrupt Europe for huge profits safely kept in multi-Billion Dollar Swiss Bank Accounts. Subsequent to that era, many International Terrorist Organizations have followed Yassar Arafat’s creative model.
And since Drug Gangs, even if purely for profit, casually murder the innocent just like Terrorists, would it not be a ‘good idea’ to use Guantanamo Bay as a permanent prison for all International Drug Gangster leaders?
Their incarceration conditions should not be any ‘softer’ than the Biden-Garland abusive incarceration of the J6 Political Prisoners. (Weren’t the use of handcuffs and leg irons standard procedure at the arrest of ‘perp walked’ grandmothers?)
Part II: Psychotic Murderers – both Domestic and Foreign Need to be Removed from Civilization
Guatemalan Sebastian Zapeta, a Biden subsidized Foreign Psychotic Murderer illegally returned after having been deported in 2018 during President Trump’s first term. He burned to death 58-year old destitute, homeless but HARMLESS American common citizen Debrina Kawan on December 22, 2024 in the New York City subway. He was government-subsidized, residing in a government-funded profiteering ‘drug rehabilitation’ facility, and in the daytime ‘free’ to ENJOY the spectacle of turning an unfortunate American citizen into a suffering, dying mass of flames. She had nothing and no one to help her. You would think in a Civilized Society there would be competent psychiatrists, competent psychologists, and maybe even pharmaceuticals to rescue her tormented soul from the bad luck life gave her.
Destitute ‘homeless’ veterans, many thousands physically and psychologically damaged from pain and wartime terror with the easily skipped over term PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) are abandoned by their government which used them in foreign wars with self-defeating ‘Rules of Engagement.’ Here in New York City, thousands of Biden’s illegal migrants live fully subsidized in $400/day hotel rooms. (Are not such hotel owners BIG DONORS to the DEMOCRAT PARTY PROGRESSIVE IDEOLOGY of SELECTIVE COMPASSION?)
All identifiable violent psychotic illegal migrants need to be forcibly repatriated – before they burn common citizens to death. Sebastian Zapeta could and should have been sent back to Guatemala again before the atrocity he committed to Debrina Kawan. (Say her name, DEBRINA KAWAN, and forget the name of Racial Hoax so-called victims like George Floyd who actually died of a self-administered drug overdose as scientifically determined by a coroner but this was not permitted to be introduced as evidence at the trial of the police officer. You remember that trial – with the Maxine Waters’ led mob screaming for blood outside the courtroom as terrified jurors came and went day by day.)
As to American Psychotic murderers, a Psychiatric facility at Gitmo would be the perfect location for them. Psychotic murderers need to be to removed from Civilization. Is not one such murder adequate proof? Let the Psychologists, Psychiatrists and Pharmaceutical companies use an isolated part of the facility to ‘cure’ any and all. And, if they are returned to Civilization and revert to violence, let the professionals who ‘claimed’ that they had been ‘cured’ join them permanently in the psychiatric facility prison wing. During the day time as prisoners, they can continue their well-meaning rehabilitation of others.