To save COMMON PEOPLE from having their reliable use of electricity for residential and/or small business purposes (because of the Exponential greater need for electricity by all AI developmental and commercial uses), there will be a need for all such AI infrastructure to generate their own electricity divorced from residential and small businesses on the Common Grid.
UniParty political corruption (and its intertwined lobbyist industry) being ubiquitous (for Special Interests at the expense of the Common Good), I speculate it will take ten years of catastrophic damage to the world around before the federal government must ultimately require such AI activities to generate all their own electricity.
Let Google and Fakebook and Apple, etc. burn coal for their own electricity and fight with the EPA and Pope Francis and his ‘Climate Change’ indoctrinators.
I need a good laugh. Turning 80 this coming year, I hope to live long enough to get one good laugh out of the UniParty political corruption apparatus that moved right in as Ronald Reagan was leaving the White House.