Since 2022 and the beginning of the Ukraine-Russia War, everything informationally that Russia releases as their version of everything, is Biden Administration 100% Censored from American Citizen access – not just RT (Russian English language Television).
Since October 7, 2023, every LIE claimed by Hamas (i.e., Gaza Health Department, etc., etc.) – no matter how many times rationally proven as a LIE – and every other LIE from any and all Muslim Brotherhood Jihadist ‘Political Wing’ of Goebbels-like propagandists as well as every LIE from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard ‘Political Wing’ of Goebbels-like propagandists are NOT CENSORED from American citizen access.
The Islamic Goebbels-like ‘Political Wing’ propagandists freely distribute in English, Arabic and/or Farsi. Their lies are rarely corrected and never so in prominent repetitive adamantine ways.
Up to 40 Americans have been murdered by HAMAS.
The corrupt Ukrainian government incarcerated American free-lance social media journalist Gonzalo Lira, gave him no access to an English-speaking or Spanish-Speaking lawyer and had him mysteriously die in captivity without any notice taken by the U.S. government or the EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS.
I must be the only American who sincerely believes the following three Hypotheses:
How else to explain reality?
PS. Donald Trump had the IRG and the Muslim Brotherhood on the ‘TERROR LIST.’ The rest of the Western World as well as the Biden Administration since taking office and the Obama Administration before the first Trump Presidency consistently take the opposite approach. How many Americans were killed by Putin and Russia?? I don’t know of any.