I. December 7, 1941
On Monday, December 8, 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in requesting a Declaration of War against Imperial Japan, described Sunday December 7, 1941 as “A Date That Will Live in Infamy.”
On Pearl Harbor Day, Sunday December 7, 1941, 2335 American military (2008 sailors, 218 soldiers, 109 marines) along with 68 civilians were killed. Another 1178 were wounded.
America in the 1940’s was a country of personal-liberty-loving free people who were intolerant of being ‘pushed around’ by anybody’s government including their own. Americans were always like that going all the way back to the Constitutional foundation of the Republic (hard as that is for young people to believe these days). Such beliefs were not invented by the so-called ‘Greatest Generation.’ It just seems that way now.
Americans had real Character and were tirelessly stubborn about it – in exactly the same way President Trump on June 6, 2019, at the ceremony memorializing the 75th Anniversary of D-Day movingly spoke about the Army Rangers who climbed the cliffs on the western corner of Omaha Beach on Normandy so as to silence the guns that were slaughtering the men of the 1st Infantry Division down below.
Most of the Rangers died of course. Americans did not tolerate being collectively ‘pushed around’ even though it was necessary that some would willingly risk near-certain death to stop it.
You probably never heard or read that speech because the Unified Scumbag Press (USP) does not want it in the Public’s Consciousness – most especially the Public’s Memory going forward.
[By the way, there is a similar story of two battalions of Marines a year or two earlier in a shallow lagoon on a Pacific atoll named Tarawa that I cannot even remember without crying – so I leave it to the curious reader to research that story for himself. I think you will find a good version written by Admiral Samuel Elliot Morison, the official Naval Historian and Harvard History Professor in the Official Naval History of WW II – if it still exists. I read it over 50 years ago in a public library edition.]
II. Tuesday, September 11, 2001
On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, 2749 Civilians [including 343 NYC Firemen, 84 Port Authority Employees (37 of them PA Police) and 23 NYC Police] were massacred at the World Trade Center (WTC) by Islamic Terrorists (along with 224 more at both the Pentagon and on United Airlines Flight 93 – the fourth hijacked commercial jet). The perpetual propaganda service of the World Wide Social Oligarchy (WWSO) which ought to be universally recognized as the Unified Scumbag Press (USP) began the Demoralization of America and Western Civilization by putting the pictures of over 200 ‘Jumpers’ on perpetual ‘Embargo’ (their Evil Euphemism for Censorship). Out of Sight – Out of Mind! (Out of Sight – Out of Memory FOREVER!)
This privileged World Wide Social Oligarchy (pampered and protected within a Permanent Invisible Bubble) runs the world’s Bureaucracies undemocratically – according to a Simplistic Prime Directive. It goes like this: YOU WOULD RAISE TENSIONS (which is BAD) by resisting and destroying the Barbaric Evil Forces that cause Mass Murder and other Atrocities, therefore, alternatively, YOU MUST LOWER TENSIONS (which is GOOD) by criminalizing SPEECH and BEHAVIOR that righteously seeks Justice for such Evil Acts.
The World Wide Social Oligarchy’s cowardly Irrational ISLAMOPHOBIA-PHOBIA [Invented and Imposed through Social Pressure at the top by the EVIL MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD (whose powerful and affluent Leadership is just another component part of that World Wide Social Oligarchy)] became a perpetual tool of Unconstitutional Repression of Free Speech and common sense behavior. [‘Tensions are Lowered’ by disallowing any common sense security tactic if the Fraudulent Left-Wing Political Rhetoricians Officially declare it to be DISCRIMINATORY – the unchallengeable ultimate TRIBAL TABOO in our undemocratic world. Anything else is tolerable but not official DISCRIMINATION.]
[A little over 10 years ago in a comedic political movie, the actor Robin Williams ridiculed the ‘patting down’ and strip-searching at airports of elderly and infirmed American citizens – while Illegal Aliens casually walked unopposed across our southern border ‘carrying night tables and bedroom sets on their heads.’]
III. Wednesday, March 25, 2020
On Wednesday March 25, 2020, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo and his Public Health (Big Government) Bureaucracy, by (unconstitutional) Executive Order, began sending highly-contagious Coronavirus hospital patients into NY State Nursing Homes which were never designed for or required to handle such an inundation of contagion under any conditions. That situation is precisely what civilized countries have created hospitals to cope with.
a. The Military Hospital Ship that President Trump rushed to New York Harbor was completely eschewed for such elderly and infirmed patients (and left massively underutilized altogether) .
b. The Army Corps of Engineers nearly instantaneous conversion of the Javits Center into a large hospital facility was likewise completely eschewed for such patients too (and left massively underutilized altogether) .
c. The (Politically Incorrect and therefore socially reviled) Christian Philanthropy’s nearly instantaneous creation of another hospital facility in Central Park was completely so eschewed and left massively underutilized too.
As of May 5 (when work on this essay began), the official Nursing Home death count reached 4700 and counting. [Any such doomed soul who was belatedly transferred to a hospital before death in that location was separately counted. All Bureaucrats, not just Public Health Bureaucrats, are endlessly clever in hiding the Evil they do from public view. You can be certain the Unified Scumbag Press (USP) fully cooperates with keeping such criminality hidden.]
Andrew Cuomo’s ‘Poodle Press’ (USP) daily and continually portray him as a heroic Progressive Democrat – as opposed to their over 4-year Daily Defamation campaign to maliciously misrepresent President Donald J. Trump as Incompetent and Evil.
[At this point, should the senile and compulsively degenerate (‘touchy and feely’) Joseph Biden need a replacement for the Democrat Party nomination for President, Andrew Cuomo seems to head the list of Progressive alternatives.]
[It is noteworthy to skeptical and curious independent thinkers (should there be any left) that the Federal, State and Municipal Public Health Bureaucracies (i.e., Experts and Authorities), publicly led for several months by News Media star (and, perhaps, future ‘Dancing with the Stars’ celebrity) the (in)famous Dr. Anthony Fauci, continually deny the utilization (as ‘Anecdotal’ and ‘Dangerous’) of the very treatment (as modified from a decades-old malaria treatment) of, namely Hydroxychloroquine plus a zinc compound (and antibiotic, if necessary), which has been promoted for months by President Donald Trump. Many United States Private Doctors and Hospitals, not ‘Public Health’ Bureaucracy-run hospitals, have had great, if imperfect, success saving countless lives using that very treatment. It seems as if all the world, even in ‘Socialized Medicine’ European Countries, this treatment has been used successfully for months. At least THEY were capable of humbly Learning from their initial mistakes.]
Comes the 2020 American Elections, the Progressive Democrat Party and its cost-free duplicitous mass Propaganda Service, the Unified Scumbag Press (‘Media Matters’ led and commanded) is likely to build their daily barrage around a Motto such as: “Trump Lied and Thousands Died.” Catchy, isn’t it? (Apparently the Chinese Communist Party had nothing to do with this Pandemic! It simply is a Natural Disaster unlike ‘Man-Made Climate Change.’ How could the earth’s climate ever change without the selfishly destructive behavior of Man?) The constant repetition of such a simplistic Political Cliché is precisely the means by which Political Rhetoric operates successfully.
If you can hold your nose and read Adolph Hitler’s “Mein Kampf,” you will find two chapters on Political Propaganda and Organization. The first consists of his ‘study’ of WW I contrasting German and British propaganda. The second explains how to perform a more efficient use of this tool to control large groups of ‘massified’ humanity into non-individualized tribal members. Today’s daily ‘Media Matters’ distribution of Talking Points has advanced the effectiveness of ‘Propaganda’ even further. How few Americans seem to notice the exact same Political Clichés repeated throughout the collective Unified Scumbag Press’ daily lying which they call ‘News.’
If perpetually ‘naive’ Conservative Republicans had a kindergarten-level understanding of Rhetoric and the Political Cliches through which it operates, they, within days of March 25, would have referred to the criminally negligent NY State Progressive Democrat Governor as Andrew ‘Killer’ Cuomo as the daily Nursing Home Massacre intensified. They could daily repeat ‘Killer’ Cuomo’s ‘Holocaust’ numbers as they accumulated. (The term ‘Nursing Home-GATE’ would make it sound official.) But, if anyone dared to do so, the Unified Scumbag Press would collectively destroy him for daring to employ what only ‘they’ have the Official Authority to label as severely punishable criminal ‘HATE SPEECH!’ In their America NOT EVERYONE is entitled to express his own opinion anymore.
[By the time I started kindergarten in 1950, ‘they’ called what is today known as ‘Hate Speech’ McCARTHISM (the worst possible TABOO back then). Even Communist traitors during the Korean War (1950-1953) could not be vilified in language for any expressed Free Speech opinion. Today ‘they’ regularly practice Left-Wing McCarthism by using the term ‘Hate Speech’ for the new TABOO category ‘they’ call DISCRIMINATION.]
It is my pessimistic expectation that the EVIL LEFT-WING (with its regular decades-old utilization of massive and unchallenged fraudulent illegal voting) will recapture our government [both Federal (House of Representatives, Senate and President) and all state leadership (including Governors and legislatures)]. This will enable these power-mad people to continue the process of destroying the non-credentialed Middle-Class majority (or unorganized citizenry) and replace all of us ‘Deplorable Common Citizens’ with a post-modern version of Feudal Serfdom.
[Serfs are kept unorganized (i.e., no ‘Tea Party’ or ‘Yellow Jacket’ types allowed) and therefore easily controlled, lacking the proper Phony Academic Credentials and all other forms of ‘Social Connections’ to the true Ruling Class World Wide Social Oligarchy (WWSO) which resides perpetually ensconced within the protected Invisible Bubble. (Occasionally you see a few pictures of their fancy gatherings – not only at Davos, Switzerland.)]
The only critically important Social Requirement to belong (as either a ‘hanger-on’ or a ‘higher-up’) is the perpetual willingness to enthusiastically ‘Brown Nose’ one’s way up the Social Status Ladder as necessary.
The only critically important personal and individual Character requirement is a sincerely believed Narcissistic Faith in the inherent Superiority of the WWSO and all its members, relative to the Common People (i.e., Deplorables).
In simple old-fashioned language, it means such ‘Superior’ people are unburdened by an old-fashioned Individual Moral Conscience for all of one’s individual speech and behavior toward every single individual human being one ever encounters – most especially those who can neither Help nor Hurt you. Normal Common People (after early infancy when tolerable narcissism gets the baby’s diaper changed) are incapable of permanently excusing their moral mistakes, most especially, with childhood’s ‘it’s not my fault!’ or ‘it’s not my responsibility!’ which in the putative adult world evolves into the Progressive Politician’s Magic Cliché – ‘it was merely an Error in Judgment’ – and then skate away to the next (political or other) ‘achievement’ without any personal liability.
* – * – * – * – * – * – *
At this point, a minimal understanding of the ‘Philosophically-Rooted Faithful Beliefs that Inform and Motivate’ societies is required for a Rational understanding of the perpetual string of tragedies immorally imposed upon human history.
I. Ancient
Academic Political Analysis begins with Plato (427? – 347BCE), his Academy (the first Institution of Formal Higher Education in the history of the world) and his Dialogues – most especially Plato’s “Republic.”
In the age of Plato, the basic political unit was called the POLIS – a city and its capital Citadel surrounded by its jurisdictional (mostly agrarian) population. Athens and its territory, Attica, the largest such Polis, never accommodated as many as 350,000 people of all statuses – citizens, family members, visitors, legal Resident Aliens and slaves. Publicly available political information was a product of formal elementary education, Sophist-taught private and costly Higher Education. Plato’s Academy formally beginning a generation after Socrates’ execution in 399BCE was restricted also to the Upper Class (or Social Oligarchy) of all Hellas, the Dramatic Comedies of the annual Religious Dyonesian Festival, regular Social Gossip, Rumor and also hand-copied political pamphlets, exclusively.
Plato theorized a solution for the perpetual potential for disharmonious political communication and consequential political strife as posited in his (Closed Society) “Republic.” He designed a ‘Nocturnal Council’ operating in secret, under the control of the ‘Experts and Authorities’ to limit all public social and political communication to that which maintained public social harmony in a Big Government Bureaucratic-Run state in his Idealized world. (He did not use the term ‘Hate Speech’ because it was unnecessary. There could not exist any Dissent – such forces in his perfect design were simply made to fatally disappear – in secret and with no public memory of its prior existence. Out of Sight, Out of Hearing, Out of Memory – Out of Mind!)
II. Medieval
Medieval Feudalism, covering a vast expanse of both Christian and Islamic territory across Europe, Southern-West Asia and North Africa was consciously made to conform to a kind of Neo-Platonic design. Religious Orthodoxy was the basis of the ‘Philosophically-Rooted Faithful Beliefs that Inform and Motivate’ Societies in what was then a very much larger population.
In Christian West and Central Europe, the Papal Inquisition and its many corollaries more publicly enforced the Social Harmonizing requirements of Plato’s ‘Nocturnal Council’ (as originally simplified within the tiny Greek Polis). All Higher Education (in fact, all Formal Education) was operated and governed by Religious Structure – whether in Muslim Baghdad, Egypt, Iberia and Morocco; or in Christian Europe, in varying locations. There was absolutely no Formal Higher Education outside of religious control. (Even Civil Law Education and Medical Education was subsumed therein.)
III. Modern
Modern Higher Education is born completely outside of all direct Religious influence, if not total control, beginning in 1815, after the Napoleonic Wars so destroyed feudalism in West Europe (and would finally also do so within a half century later in East Europe). In 1815 a Brutal, Evil Prussian Monarchy (a German Social Oligarchy ruling over a Slavic majority of Serfs, by the way) invented the secular University of Berlin, whose preeminent Philosophy Department was headed by an Evil careerist named Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel (1770-1831) – a bloviating modernizer of Plato’s Ideals of political organization.
The once great Prussian University of Konigsberg, a religious institution founded three centuries earlier, where the great philosopher Immanuel Kant taught his entire, lengthy, 18th century career, was politically supplanted by this new and insidious construct.
It was an age, this ‘Modern’ post-feudal world, of the political unit known as the Nation-State. It still constitutes the Official version of Political organization today – although clearly it is but an archaic shell of its former reality. The World Wide Social Oligarchy (behind the scenes) totally runs the show.
[At least that has been so far fully the case, until 2016-2017 when first Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, and thence certain other Democratic Nationalists (who actually represented and championed the ‘uncredentialed’ Common People of the Middle-Class majority) were also elected to be political leaders in a few other free society jurisdictions.]
In the delusional design of Hegel (constructed before the invention of all mass communication forms of radio, television, still-photography, or motion pictures), Formal Education from Kindergarten through Higher Education provided (other than the ever-present Social Gossip, Rumor and Pamphlets) the only societal form of Political Communication other than newspapers.
Newspapers began as small-circulation operations with type set by hand and single sheets of paper imprinted. Sometime much later in the 19th century, the invention of the Rotary printing press enabled mass circulation of many newspapers. In the early 20th century, New York City had dozens of competitive and varying political viewpoints universally available by the hundreds of thousands of copies daily. In the 1950’s when I attended NYC public school, there were still seven diverse in opinion local newspapers on every newsstand, with names that reflected the prior mergers of former competitors. (The now defunct World Telegram and Sun had originally been three separate entities.)
The Prussian University of Berlin instructed (i.e., indoctrinated) not only all the Military (and Civilian) Office Corps (or Leaders) of the Prussian Bureaucratized Monarchy, but also a plethora of future lower grade teachers in the German language. Almost all German-speaking areas (outside of Austrian Hapsburg control), both before and after the mid-19th century military conquest consolidation of political control by the Prussian Monarchy into Imperial Germany (euphemistically called ‘The Reunification of Germany’) had, by the end of the 19th century, become the first country in the world to eradicate illiteracy – by means of Formal Public Education.
Platonic-like Idealistic political ideas were invariable included in the curriculum starting in Elementary school (maybe even in Kindergarten or Pre-K if there were such an idiocy in the 19th century). The entire ‘Educated’ world imperfectly emulated these Hegelian (Neo-Platonic) Ideals of National Social Harmony within a BIG GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRATIC EXPERT-AND-AUTHORITY-RUN NATION-STATE.
[When Bertrand Russell entered college in the late 19th century in England, he found the entire academic world in political thought to be ‘Hegelian.’ After actually reading Hegel for himself, he personally found the ideas and its system to be Irrational Foolishness – crazy even!]
A generation after Hegel, Karl Marx was educated in Germany under this system. (You cannot get far away from the ‘Philosophically-Rooted Faithful Beliefs that Inform and Motivate’ people.) Marxist Materialism, the other ever-so-slightly altered form of Educated European Irrationality, is essentially the exact same system, albeit with an Economic Materialist form of Political Rhetoric and Clichés rather than a pure Nationalistic one serving as the Unifying Rhetoric to control the thoughts of the tribe.
Both deformities to human nature each claims that its Leaders, the ‘Elites,’ can see the future coming and therefore must control society’s adaptation to it. Instead of Human Free-Will determining the future evolved lives of the citizenry, they each hypothesize a magic-like form of ‘THESIS’ leading to ‘ANTITHESIS’ ultimately creating an INEVITABLE ‘SYNTHESIS.’ As long as the ‘Elites’ control everything, they will ‘Make a Better World’ Idealistically in the most harmonious way possible.
The Sophistry of the language befuddles everybody – even the Narcissistic very ‘Elites’ themselves who are in control of everything. (After all, they have the Best Education of all!)
To get back to the ‘Nocturnal Council’ of Plato’s “Republic” in modernized form, Hegel drones on and on about a necessary categorical control of all forms of Political Communication in society usually translated into the term ‘POLITICAL CONSCIOUSNESS’ or ‘SOCIAL CONSCIOUSNESS.’ This ‘justifies’ every Totalitarian Idea they can dream up.
That finally get us back to the present-day insanity of mandatory clichéd Progressive Political Communication and its consequential confiscation of individual Liberty and ‘Free Speech’ for all.
* – * – * – * – * – * – *
On Thursday May 7, two days after this pedantic essay began to take shape, I was struck by a momentary little news flash (before it would, no doubt, slide into the official ‘Memory Hole’ of Public Consciousness as controlled by the Unified Scumbag Press each and every day). On that day, by a 9-0 vote of the Supreme Legislature (in practice), euphemistically referred to as the Supreme Court, a flagrantly unconstitutional Abuse of Political Power over a petty political dispute dating back to September 2013 finally came to an end within the Rule of Law. The actual story follows.
The Governor of New Jersey way back then had committed a series of unpardonable crimes in the public and social arena that simply could not go unpunished. Obviously he was not a Progressive Democrat, but that by itself is not a punishable offense. It was his behavior that was intolerable. You see, even before Donald Trump set the daily standard that no Republican has, so far, emulated under Unified Scumbag Press STRESS, this New Jersey Governor, anecdotally, and in a tiny way, made a similar Social Faux Pas.
When the perpetually badgering herd of Narcissistic Bullies and Liars of the Unified Scumbag Press crossed the border into pure Irrationality, this governor had the temerity to publicly laugh at them. He even ridiculed them a little. I never thought I would live long enough to hear and enjoy such behavior. (Reagan bypassed the press; he did not ridicule them.)
(Any Social Inferior – you need not be a full-fledged official DEPLORABLE like me – instinctively feels that the Serf does not ridicule the Lord of the Manor and expect to get away with it for very long.)
The opening for the vindictive Unified Scumbag Press to create a Mount Everest Scandal out of an imperceptible mole-hill insult occurred when the NJ Traffic Bureaucracy was responsible for amplifying the daily rush-hour George Washington Bridge traffic jam, and for several days. Not quite a ‘Date That Will Live in Infamy’ -type scandal in my eyes, but then I don’t get a vote on today’s ‘Nocturnal Council.’ (I don’t even know a single name of those Narcissists associated with the great ‘Media Matters’ hierarchy that serves to coordinate the confiscation of our Liberty with the Daily Lying of the Unified Scumbag Press.
All this happened back in September of 2013, and, as you would expect, the Holy of Holies, known deferentially as ‘THE NEW YORK TIMES,’ led the charge. Day after day, week after week, frequently on the front page, the massive import of the most important Political Scandal in the history of the Greater New York City area dominated the ‘news.’ BRIDGEGATE was its official title.
When a governmental scandal is that big, only an unrestrained, by budget or manpower limitations, federal investigation, prosecution and punishment can follow under the critically necessary Rule of Law.
The beloved (and, no doubt, eternally so) Symbol of Progressive Perfection Nobel Peace Prize anointed President Barak Obama through his (‘wing-man’) Eric Holder-led Department of Justice via the carefully vetted and hand selected Federal District Prosecutor could only achieve the conviction of two staff members of the UPPITY BACK-TALKING NJ Governor – an incompletely satisfying achievement but an achievement no less.
It was that massive misuse of Federal Prosecutorial Authority that was overturned so many years later on Thursday, May 7, 2020.
Just like the Progressive Democrat Governor of New York, Andrew ‘Killer’ Cuomo whose Executive Order of Wednesday, March 25, 2020, sent thousands of nursing home residents to a premature grave, six days later on March 31, the present Progressive Democrat New Jersey Governor, on a marginally smaller scale, committed the exact same (unpunishable by Rule of Law) mass-murder atrocity. (Progressive Teflon is impenetrable. Medieval plate armor was flimsy by contrast.)
Today’s New Jersey Governor, a socially charming dim-witted salesman mega-millionaire from the corrupt Investment Banking world considers the Bill of Rights ‘above his Pay Grade.’ He is a perfect Progressive Democrat politician. As long as the paper put in front of him for a signature is presented by the Experts and Authorities (the Best and the Brightest especially of our great Big Government Bureaucracies) why ask questions? There can never be personal legal liability as would follow from somebody moving traffic-directing cones leading to the George Washington Bridge. [An Investment Banking salesman can become a mega-millionaire just by selling Municipal Bonds for ‘Big Government’ State and City jurisdictions. Don’t forget to include the ever-popular Dormitory Bonds in the perfect portfolio.]
These Progressive Democrats will never earn the Social Opprobrium of the initiators of all Rule of Law political punishments – i.e., the Unified Scumbag Press that constitutes an over four year daily torture experience for President Donald J. Trump (and family). He gets the Daily Defamation – and they get the Permanent Progressive Shield (and, when necessary, counter-attack power) of the ‘Poodle Press,’ protecting their public reputation from the ‘VAST RIGHT-WING CONSPIRACY.’ (The quintessential boogerman of the Irrational Superstitious Left-Wing True Believer Tribe.)
(That is the Left-Wing True Believer who shall dwell in perpetuity on the MORAL HIGH GROUND WHERE THE ENDS JUSTIFY THE MEANS – BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!!)
Ain’t life grand when you join the Progressive Tribe? [The only small difficulty, and no doubt a tolerable one, is when a young female member of a family of ‘hangers-on’ is sexually abused, even forcibly raped and/or sodomized, by a ‘higher-up’ in the Social Oligarchy. The privately spoken Political Cliché for that one in: Take One for the Team!’ (The World Wide Social Oligarchy and its Left-Wing Ideology and Rhetoric has a perfect political cliché for every possible ‘uncomfortable’ situation – public and private.)]
It might save money and time simply abolishing the Grand Jury system altogether for ‘political’ cases. Rule of Law ‘political’ prosecutions can obviously only be initiated by an official Unified Scumbag Press defamation campaign, especially when the official title of a ‘GATE’-type scandal is used for many days.
In all my extensive lifetime accumulated knowledge of political history in theoretically ‘free’ countries everywhere (including Ancient Athens and the bizarrely egregious ‘Trial of the Generals’), I have never encountered a Political Tyranny so completely subverting a Democratic Republican Constitution (that has become undeniably apparent in recent days) to remotely compare to what only Donald Trump dare call ‘OBAMA-GATE.’
[I used to amuse only myself and my wife during the first two years of the Trump Presidency by saying: ‘When Donald Trump moved into the White House, it seems that just as President Obama moved out, he stuffed ‘Presidential Executive Privilege’ (and other Presidential Powers and Perogatives) into a large attaché case and took them off with him.]
During those two years, a handful of self-respecting Republicans (who were then in the legal but unexercised majority) – Devin Nunes, most especially – kept requesting (legitimate Congressional Oversight) suspicious information from the Federal (‘Deep State’) Bureaucracy. Somehow it was not forthcoming. [Who remembers ‘Ryan’ was the Republican Speaker of the House? Who remembers down the leadership ladder the self-respecting Congressman Steve Scalise who almost died when he was shot by a fanatic who was both a Bernie Sanders supporter and a Rachel Maddow fan?]
After two years of the continually publicized Robert Muller-Andrew Weissmann ‘Russia hacked the 2016 election’ Fraudulent publicity campaign enabled the Progressive Democrat Party to STEAL back the House of Representatives (and innumerable State and Local elections), the Political Tyranny of OBAMA-GATE strengthened.
The only mistake they made was a failure to completely destroy the record of Acting Attorney-General Sally Yates’ ‘confusion’ (which just surfaced from declassified material a short while back in May).
The New York Post Editorial Board on May 11 and May 12 worded it better than I could. The following is a direct quote of several of their paragraphs:
“Information released as the Justice Department dropped its charges against Gen. Mike Flynn shows that President Barack Obama, in his final days in office, played a key role in fanning the flames of phony scandal. Fully briefed on the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, he knew the FBI had come up with nothing despite months of work starting in July 2016.
Yet on Jan. 5, 2017, Obama told top officials who’d be staying on in the new administration to keep the crucial facts from Team Trump.
It happened at an Oval Office meeting with Vice President Joe Biden, intel chiefs John Brennan and Jim Clapper and national security adviser Susan Rice, as well as FBI Director Jim Comey and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.
“From a national-security perspective,” Rice’s memo afterward put it, “President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia.”
This even as then-President Obama also directed that as many people as possible across his administration be briefed on the (utterly unsubstantiated) allegations against Team Trump — and as Rice and others took unprecedented steps to “unmask” US citizens like Flynn whose conversations had been caught on federal wiretaps of foreigners.
Indeed, the Obama administration went on a full-scale leak offensive — handing the Washington Post, New York Times and others a nonstop torrent of “anonymous” allegations of Trumpite ties to Moscow. It suggested that the investigations were finding a ton of treasonous dirt on Team Trump — when in fact the investigators had come up dry.
Sadly, Comey’s FBI played along — sandbagging Flynn with the “friendly” interview that later became the pretext for the bogus charges dropped last week, as well as triggering the White House chaos that led to his ouster. This when the FBI had already gone over the general with a fine-tooth comb, and concluded that, no, he’d done nothing like collude with the Russians.
Meanwhile, Comey himself gave Trump an intentionally misleading briefing on the Steele dossier. That was followed by leaks that suggested the dossier was the tip of an iceberg, rather than a pack of innuendo that hadn’t at all checked out under FBI scrutiny.
Pulitzer Prizes were won for blaring utter fiction; the Trump administration was kneecapped out of the gate. Innocents like Flynn were bankrupted along the way.”
Until a Holy of Holies (i.e., New York Times)-led Unified Scumbag Press (day-after-day, week-after-week) ‘OBAMA-GATE SCANDAL’ Never Ending Campaign requiring a Real Rule of Law Prosecution to take the country back from the political criminals (who stole it from us), nothing will really happen. How can it? That’s the way things work since at least as far back as Robert Muller was FBI Director – even before September 11, 2001.
Unlike the (Individual) Spotted Owl and the (Individual) Snail Darter who both have ‘government protection’ (and cannot be ‘arrested’ for failure to practice ‘Social Distancing Protocols’), Deplorables like me have no American Civil Rights or Civil Liberties if a Progressive Governor or Progressive Mayor decides to confiscate them in the Holy name of PUBLIC HEALTH PROTOCOLS.
[Maybe we should all join the Official ‘Homeless’ – at least then defecating in the public streets (albeit adequately removed physically from the Invisible Bubble World Wide Social Oligarchy) frees you up from Public Health Law Enforcement.]
[That means to San Francisco residents: stay away from the Presidio where the ‘Ice Cream Queen’ Nancy Pelosi has only one of her many fancy multi-million dollar domiciles. Just trying to be helpful to the American ‘naive’ or ‘gullible’ or ‘weak-willed’ or ‘stupid’ who wish only to ‘get along by going along’ in the most easily comfortable and non-threatening way. CHARACTER (Honor, Courage, etc.) is totally irrelevant to such a chosen lifestyle!]