Going into tonight’s Presidential Debate, sixteen Celebrity A$$holes with pseudo-science economic PhDs and Phony Nobel Prizes for hypothetical mathematical fatuities have effectively signed a widely publicized PETITION that a Donald Trump presidency will create massive INFLATION. A few oddities follow:1. These sixteen glorified Schmucks do not even admit that Biden already caused massive inflation with hyperbolic Progressive Big Government (unconstitutionally printed money) Spending. What’s wrong with that? Big Government is the Greatest! 2. The ‘Proof’ of their faithful beliefs is…..
Make sure payment is guaranteed up front. (Collection service can be a ‘pain in the ass.’) Maximize pharmaceutical prescriptions for every patient. Always sacrifice the Quality of Life for every patient to maximize Longevity. Do not volunteer this information. Caveat emptor. Never let elective surgical patients know that the surgical ‘improvement’ may be short-lived at the expense of faster, greater deterioration in the intermediate and longer term of life – THIS IS CRITICAL. Today’s medical protocols universally promote probabilities of…..
(For the Green Scientists)
After President Trump brings Sanity and Fairness back to America and the World, I offer the following proposal in the spirit of a return to Scientific Philosophy to replace a half-century of Pseudo-Science (Fake Science) that is everywhere: all Economic, Political and Social ‘Science,’ Medical ‘Scientific Research‘ and most noxiously ‘Environmental (and Climate) Science,’ to cite an incomplete list.
[It takes a genuine Narcissistic A$$HOLE to prattle the magic cliches ‘Data Driven’ and ‘Evidence Based.’ These…..
During the Cold War, starting in the 1960s for decades, college educated Marxist-Leninists in Europe, North America, Japan and elsewhere became ‘Red Army’ terrorists murdering policemen and other common people to destroy Western Civilization and its Capitalist Free Enterprise wealth-creating system. No such ‘personally privileged’ terrorist was ever executed or permanently incarcerated. Many of these Narcissistic ‘Social Idealists’ subversively entered our institutions – especially Government and Education. They personally flourished.
Today, in Ukraine, Canada…..
Immanuel Kant teaches that a fact is only a fact in a rationally defined context of space and time. Aristotle teaches that one should not confuse an apparent distinction with a genuine difference.
Consider the following three items:
The reputation of George Soros in Hungary a long time ago New York Senator Chuck ‘Schmucky’ Schumer The ugly secret of Jewish Kapos in Concentration Camps.
Are these three items genuinely different or merely an appearance of a distinction?
On September 14, 2023, on this website, about three weeks BEFORE THE UNIMPORTANT OCTOBER 7TH ATROCITIES AND ITS CENSORED PICTURES, I wrote a small essay called War and Peace – Part VIII recounting my 1991 scrutinizing of the Evil Scumbag Press (New York Times, CNN, etc.) 24/7 ‘Reporting’ about the Gulf War of 1991.
[Except for the Concentration Camp DACHAU in Bavaria, Western Germany, the world never really saw the Holocaust or other Concentration and Death Camps (Auschwitz, etc.) for…..
The Japanese Chief of Naval Operations, the non-political Professional Naval Commander was Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, a man who, as a senior military attaché in the 1930s, took his annual Summer vacation spending months driving around America to learn what our country was really like back during the Depression in the 1930s.
In their mad-dash rush to rapidly build the most powerful country and military, the natural-resource-devoid Japanese Empire sought to build bigger and better war machines by conquering resource-rich territories…..
Minimum of 100,000 respondents per each of the three venues (as per old-fashioned post-WW II Gallup Polls decades ago when only very expensive ‘…Yankelovich…’ very Private Polls were competitively available).
The three venues are: USA, European Union, and UK-Canada-Australia-New Zealand.
The Poll asks for the following opinion of the respondents.
Question is answerable two ways:
The topic is OPERATION CROSS-FIRE HURRICANE (during 2016 and following).
The correct…..
If New Jersey Democrat Senator Bob Menendez is corrupt enough to actually be prosecuted, why did he not become a ten-times over mega-millionaire from associating profitably with the Chinese Communist Party the way half the Washington Uni-Party has?
(I think he is being UNIQUELY PROSECUTED because the Muslim Brotherhood uses Western Bureaucratic Governments to ‘get’ out-spoken Israel supporters and the World-Wide Tribal Marxist-Leninists, both ‘Progressive’ and otherwise, hate out-spoken Anti-Communists.)
Is it not 100% linguistically, rhetorically accurate and legitimate to…..
The Professional Politician and Evil Scumbag Press Oligarchy continually misuse the Physics term ‘Optics.’ Isaac Newton (1642-1727) invented the natural science over three centuries ago experimenting with multiple prisms. Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832), another largely forgotten (and multi-talented) genius advanced the field in his spare time. Today the term ‘Optics’ misrepresents the television images of politicized actions. The crooked pathologically dishonest imbecile in the White House called the accidentally live broadcast of pictures of terrorized Afghans in 2021 falling to…..