The Professional Politician and Evil Scumbag Press Oligarchy continually misuse the Physics term ‘Optics.’ Isaac Newton (1642-1727) invented the natural science over three centuries ago experimenting with multiple prisms. Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832), another largely forgotten (and multi-talented) genius advanced the field in his spare time. Today the term ‘Optics’ misrepresents the television images of politicized actions. The crooked pathologically dishonest imbecile in the White House called the accidentally live broadcast of pictures of terrorized Afghans in 2021 falling to their deaths from the outside of giant commercial jets ‘Bad Optics,’ during the Biden Afghanistan humiliating bug-out.
The two truckdrivers murdered on locally broadcast live TV (nationally fed to New York City and other local stations) at Florence and Normandy at the inception of the LA Riots of 1992 was the second instance of what would now be ‘officially’ labeled ‘Bad Optics’ that I clearly remember. (I was not watching TV at the time but two trustworthy people I knew insisted that they had seen and were sickened by the sight. My essay on this website, dated October 13, 2023, gave a much fuller account.)
In the early 1970s, I lived very frugally in an inexpensive residential hotel with a clock radio but no TV or stereo. I read a lot of paperback books. I was trying to save as much of my earnings as possible to escape the ‘rat race’ before I got old. (I even changed jobs three times in order to annually accumulate an extra two weeks of vacation pay.) The reason I am revealing this personal irrelevancy is to explain why I was the only adult in 1972 that I have ever known who did not watch any television during the 1972 Munich Germany Olympics. My knowledge came from scrupulously reading news accounts from the daily New York Times and other news sources such as Newsweek magazine. You get a very different impression of things from TV.
[At the first 1960 Kennedy-Nixon TV debate, Nixon, unprepared and unschooled for the hot TV lights, kept mopping his sweaty brow like the fake acting of Charles Van Doren on the scandalous TV quiz show ‘21’ had done in the 1950s. Having watched the debate at home as a high school student I too thought that Nixon ‘lost’ because of his appearance. Today the Oligarchical Schmucks would misuse the term ‘Optics.’
[Back in 1960, Howard K. Smith of CBS News supervised an audience who only experienced the radio feed. No ‘Optics.’ Many years later I learned that his audience thought Nixon wiped up the floor with Kennedy. Go figure.]
Getting back to the 1972 Munich Olympics part of the story – because there will be even more ‘media’ at the coming 2024 Paris Olympics than in Germany in 1972 – I wonder what the Devil’s putatively ‘human’ tools of Evil will be doing on TV this summer. I will read about it on Breitbart – I still don’t watch television. The Evil intimidating mob euphemism that the Evil Scumbag Press and the rest of the World Wide Social Oligarchy (WWSO), call ‘Protestors and Demonstrators’ will inevitably take advantage of the free TV ‘political advertising’ opportunity. Holocaust II is proceeding apace.
First a little history. Of the six million Jews massacred in Holocaust I, about 3 million lived in post-WW I Poland – attacked in September 1939, first by Nazi Germany, and less than a fortnight later by its then ally the Soviet Union. Most of the other three million had been living in Soviet territory – most especially in Ukraine. The Holocaust did not quite begin yet. Nazi Germany stuck those Polish Jews in Ghettos for subsequent action.
On June 22, 1941, Germany attacked the Soviet Union and drove their armies to the outskirts of Moscow where severe winter weather stopped the advance. Behind the German armies, they had four massive formations of Death Squads call Einsatzgruppen made up of Waffen SS. Recruitment to the Waffen SS from large numbers of volunteers from the local populations – especially Ukrainians – filled the ranks of Hitler’s ‘Final Solution to the Jewish Problem.’ At least 500,000 to 600,000 Jews were massacred in the Kiev area at a place called Babi Yar.
My maternal grandmother came from an enormous family of 17 siblings from the same father only four of whom had made it to North America no later than the 1920s. They had children by the carloads. Everyone perished.
She probably lived in the area today called Ukraine – even if they lived in Poland, because the western Ukraine had been Polish territory between the World Wars.
Two very famous Ashkenazic Jews came from that area and miraculously survived the war. Simon Wiesenthal, the post-war Nazi hunter, was one of them. He was a truly Great Man – largely forgotten today by Liberal Jewish celebrities and talking heads. The other, Elie Wiesel, will never be forgotten. His journey was far less dangerous. He was a poet, inventor of the term ‘Holocaust,’ and politically ‘adopted’ by Liberal Professional Careerists – both Jewish and otherwise.
There was a politically famous vignette that I watched on cable TV in the 1980s that will live on forever. President Ronald Reagan, in politically trying to place defensive tactical nuclear weapons in Western Europe made a public relations trip to Bitburg Germany to an enormous cemetery of WW II dead from both Germany and the victorious Allies. Off in a corner, no doubt discovered by a Liberal Pro-Communist activist after the trip had been fully arranged was a small number of graves of German Waffen SS soldiers.
To humiliate President Reagan (and thus alienating me forever), Elie Wiesel publicly, with President Reagan humbly standing nearby and harangued by the Poet, dramatically declared that he was ‘Speaking Truth to Power’ by imploring our President: “Don’t go there, Mr. President. Don’t go there!” Reagan humbly shook his hand. Western Europe was henceforth protected by tactical nuclear weapons from Soviet threats.
NOT RUSSIAN THREATS BUT SOVIET COMMUNIST EVIL EMPIRE THREATS! The Bureaucratic Occupation Governments of what passes for Western Civilization is 35 years behind reality and shows no willingness to catch up.
When the Cold War ended, in stages, starting in 1989, the Post-Communist democratic government of Poland where three million of their Jewish citizens (1/10th the population) were massacred by Nazi Germany began an annual Holocaust Remembrance Day. A march would be solemnly made from Auschwitz, the ‘men’s’ extermination facility to its female parallel nearby. (I have never seen an “Optic’ of it.)
I had never heard of Holocaust Remembrance Day until earlier this month, on the 35th such occasion, I read a little innocuously worded article on Breitbart that informed me of the pro-Hamas mob of ‘Protestors and Demonstrators’ who flooded the area to commandeer the attention of the Evil News Media.
Finally, back to the 1972 Munich Massacre which I did not watch on TV. Fifteen or so years ago, the billionaire Liberal Jewish careerist filmmaker Steven Spielberg made a famous movie called “Munich.” Several years after its release, I secured a DVD for a few dollars at a used DVD store.
The first two times I watched it years ago, it just made me sick. I put it aside.
Sometime in the last few months, I played it again carefully and took away two critically important moral points that I probably had ‘felt’ for a long time, but without understanding it until now.
Point One is given some attention in the movie the way that all around the world, especially in Arab and Islamic countries, the many days long television vigil provided endless opportunity to inspire Jew-hatred and recruit ‘volunteers’ to join the ‘crusade.’ It is such a noxious concept, I had never fully grasped its political implications until post-October 7, 2023.
Point Two is one of substance and emphasis. Though critically important both morally and politically, it is barely mentioned except by implication to promote the idea of eternal tolerance for UNEXECUTED Terrorist Capital War Criminal Murderers (as long as they murder common people and not members or associates of the WWSO).
Three of the murderers surrendered to the West German legal authorities after murdering the hostages – the others had been shot by Israeli marksmen while trying to escape with less than a dozen living Israeli ‘hostages’ by helicopter. It does not run very long in this Appeasement Movie when a television news broadcast announces a German commercial airliner had been hijacked and, to free the plane and its passengers, the German government sends the three giggling murderers to Libya and the heroes’ welcome so the ‘Cycle of Violence’ can continue apace.
I wonder what the 2024 Paris Olympics will provide as yet another opportunity for the organized RACIST ARAB SUPREMACIST ‘Social Justice Warriors’ to continue the NEVER-ENDING SLOW-MOTION ACTUAL EXISTENTIAL THREAT to Western Civilization.
Isn’t TV news exciting and entertaining?