[The following is my best memory of the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth – thankfully protected by the First Amendment.]
Some critically important, but not well-known, facts are the basis of what follows – along with three rational speculations.
Fact I: FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, starting in the 1920s, and with full presidential authorization, without court orders, continually spied on communications by known communists. Every successive president reauthorized this procedure. From the beginning, he was assisted by his personal secretary/assistant Miss Gandy. And early in his reign, he hired Clyde Tolson to be his Number One executive assistant.
Fact II: About two weeks before ‘Watergate,’ Hoover and, one day later, Clyde Tolson both died.
Fact III: As per long-standing plan, Miss Gandy shredded all the files before anyone, including President Nixon, ever got a chance to see them.
Fact IV: Any known Communist that had attempted to communicate with the 1972 McGovern Headquarters in the Watergate would have been monitored by the Hoover spy team that, obviously, involved quite a few FBI employees. If any contact had been made with the McGovern Campaign, Hoover likely would have also wire-tapped the McGovern Headquarters.
Fact V: I know of only one case of Hoover’s fanatical anti-Communism that drove him to dishonest public actions, in this case, concerning Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK Jr.). There was a well-known Communist Party ‘activist’ named Hunter Jack O’Dell who had somehow managed to infiltrate the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), although unlike the other leaders, he was not a Black Southern Clergyman. O’Dell would inspire Hoover to speculatively believe that MLK Jr. was dangerously subversive.
Fact VI: A CIA operative, whether past and present or retired and just past, named E. Howard Hunt worked for Nixon heading a group known colloquially as the ‘Plumbers.’ The title meant ‘plugging the leaks’ of top secret information that got into the ‘press.’
Fact VII: J. Edgar Hoover never spied on any member of the press who was NOT a known Communist.
Fact VIII: Dictator Obama used the National Security apparatus to spy on members of the ‘press’ who acquired secret government information.
Fact IX (or Speculation I): In the 1980s, I learned that, during the Viet Nam War, President Lyndon Johnson ordered the FBI (or some similar national security bureaucracy) to spy on practically all political rivals of all political parties including his own and present typed transcripts of the wire-taps. The transcripts were read by assistants to see if they required the ‘boss’ to be informed. When Nixon succeeded Johnson in the White House, that activity must have ended or there never could have been a ‘Watergate Scandal.’
Fact X: Neither President Nixon, nor his primary assistants Halderman, Ehrlichman, nor Attorney General Mitchell, had had any prior knowledge of E. Howard Hunt’s ‘plumbing’ excursion at the Watergate. Miraculously, the doofuses were actually caught at the scene planting bugs at the McGovern Campaign Headquarters.
Fact XI (or Speculation II): If E. Howard Hunt had run the proposed spying on the McGovern Headquarters through Nixon’s office for legal approval, the only appropriate such ‘legal authority’ would be Nixon’s lawyer – John Dean.
Fact XII: John Dean became an eternal political hero for over a half century now by being the primary accuser.
Fact XIII: Many FBI employees, probably running into the hundreds, were involved for up to half a century planting wiretaps without court order and even typing up the transcripts.
Fact XIV: Since the ever expanding ‘Patriot Act,’ initiated post-9/11, many American citizens have been spied on electronically including via powerful ‘searches’ of private communications without court order – and the Politically Corrupt UniParty always finds a way to amply increase the funding of such activity almost always hidden in the ‘Continuing Resolution’ funding hoax that I loathe as unconstitutional.
[Yet no Hamas campus organizers, domestic or foreign, have ever been identified by today’s American Gestapo that we call the FBI.]
Speculation III: If you are still looking for a ‘Deep Throat,’ dozens, maybe hundreds, of FBI employees could have been knowledgeable of the ‘Plumbers’ planting bugs in the McGovern Headquarters and getting caught at the scene – having worked for Hoover’s secret spy apparatus previously.
PS. When Hitler came to power until the end of WWII, Hoover infiltrated and spied on his agents and votaries. After the Kefauver Hearings on Organized Crime (1950-1951), Hoover spied on Italian Organized Crime exclusively – every other organized crimes (including Bloods and Crips today) are not worthy of infiltration and spying. Also, starting in the Eisenhower Administration or slightly earlier during the Truman Administration, the Ku Klux Klan got the exact same treatment – that is how they lost their power.