I. Classical Athens – One-Tier Rule of Law
Beginning in the sixth century BCE, before Socrates was born, Athenian Citizens had equal Civil Rights and Civil Liberties before the Law. To ensure that, Athens had the Constitutional Rule of Law carved into stone for all citizens (and even foreigners) to publicly verify by reading. Though many citizens in the early days were illiterate, everyone knew a trustworthy friend or relative who could read it to them. Justice before the Law was critically necessary for the peaceful flourishing of Society.
There were annually chosen Archons who controlled the presentation of both civil and criminal cases before the large juries that litigious Athens lived with.
The only other ‘Officers of the Law’ were policemen whose duty was to arrest people and present court papers. There were two kinds of Athenian policemen – state-owned slaves who did permanent duty and young (18- to 21-year old) ‘Cadets’ who were qualifying for citizenship by performing one to three years of duty. The police force also guarded the frontier borders of Athenian territory.
Violence – as in forcibly resisting arrest – was a serious crime even if the policeman was a slave. In fact, Athenian slaves also had Civil Rights. There is a minor ‘Historical’ Platonic Dialogue wherein Socrates goes to the courthouse sometime before his impending trial and encounters a young friend presenting a case to the court. The case involved the young man’s father who murdered a slave who had committed a capital crime rather than taking him to court to achieve the same result under the Law. (It almost sounds as if the son wished to eliminate the father in order to inherit his property prematurely.)
The lust for power by ‘Special Lawyers’ is an old, old story and largely ignored by historians and all other ‘Experts and Authorities’ but is a critically important story in politics and human nature and needs to be told.
To begin, going all the way back to Solon in the early 6th century BCE, Archons, literate and knowledgeable citizens of the Law, were annually elected. Initially there were four, but population and litigation growth expanded their number all the way to eleven. At the end of the year, each Archon became a permanent member of the Council of the Areopagus – a consultative body without any real legal power. For 1 to 2 decades, that briefly changed into a RULE by SPECIAL LAWYERS.
There were three men who were the leaders of the Populist Party of Common People in the world of growing Business and Commerce as opposed to the land-owning Social Oligarchy. The Golden Age was the Age of Populism.
The first genius Themistocles was the architect of the miraculous victory over the Persian invaders. Somehow, the Ruling Class using LAWFARE drove him and his family into exile to avoid execution.
The third man was Pericles the Great who dominated politics from 461 BCE until his death in the second year of the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE). He is very well known in ‘History’ – even more so than Themistocles, the inventor of the Golden Age.
Between the two, another great Populist Leader named Ephialtes led the Common People from the world of Business and Commerce. Much of his history was expunged from official history by the educated Social Oligarchy.
During a one to two decade period, the Archons and their brethren on the Areopagus increasingly dominated both ‘allowed’ legislation and even the use of the Law in litigation.
There is a story of a man almost executed without even a jury trial who became known as ‘the man who was saved from the garrot.’ You will find it in Aristotle’s Athenian Constitution – lost in history for many centuries until recovered in an archaeological ‘dig’ in Alexandria Egypt in the late 19th century.
The Archon-Areopogus-Special-Lawyer dominance was overcome by Ephialtes in the following manner. He exposed Archon financial malfeasance when investigating their annually submitted expense ledgers at the end of their one-year terms at ‘Public Hearings.’ The Areopagus, after years of being packed with ‘Special Interest Lawyers’ of the Social Oligarchy, became so discredited in the eyes of the Common Citizen majority that they returned to an advisory near-powerless status.
Most of our world’s historians, following the privileged Social Oligarchy propaganda, referred to the post-Ephialtes Era – 461 BCE onward – as the Age of ‘Radical Democracy.’ The era is perfectly co-terminus with the Golden Age of Athens. That is not coincidental.
In 462, Sparta hired a Theban mercenary to assassinate Ephialtes. Mysteriously, the assassin escaped from his subsequent incarceration. I have read that Ephialtes was such a censored figure from official history that even his citizenship description by Tribe, Deme and Father is unknown.
The never-learned lesson is slick-talking Lawyers are forever looking to enhance their Power, Social Prestige and Wealth. Beware!!!
II.Roman Republic and Roman Empire
In the early days of the Roman Republic, beginning in the 6th century BCE, the Lower Class ‘Plebians’ were sometimes abusively taken advantage of by the Upper Class ‘Patricians’ – always in the name of the LAW. On two historically famous occasions, the Plebians went ‘on strike.’ History books usually refer to these strikes as ‘Secessions.’ The Plebians withdrew to a hill until the necessary concessions were made. The Secessions came to an end after Roman envoys went all around their world to find a solution from another city’s practice.
When the envoys arrived in Athens, they discovered Athenian Constitutional Law was carved into stone for all to see publicly, thereby negating the power of an educated socially-connected abuser from LYING ABOUT THE TRUE CONSTITUTIONAL LAW.
The Romans carved their Constitutional Law into stone as well for all to see.
The two-tier Social Political distinction between Plebians and Patricians continued – however the equal Civil Rights and Civil Liberties before the Law was a product of Roman Citizenship.
In its centuries of growth, the Roman Republic, and later the Roman Empire, were quick to expand citizenship to the people whose armies were defeated by the Roman armies. Equal Justice before the Law is mandatory for a free and good Society.
III. The American (and Western) Putatively Democratic Governments Today
I have come to believe that our world’s ‘Rule of Law’ is not an Equal Justice Rule of Law but a two-tier Rule of Special Lawyers for Special Interests analogous to the corruption that Ephialtes corrected by 461 BCE in Ancient Athens.
I have watched in helpless astonishment a never-ending procession of grossly unfair, unpopular and clearly UNDEMOCRATIC impositions on our way of life by the World-Wide Social Oligarchy Globalist – Bureaucratic Occupation Government (WWSOG-BOG) over my post-WWII lifetime.
When I was young, ‘Sovereign Immunity’ meant that no government – local, state or federal – could be sued. Without any popular and publicly reported legislation that I am aware of, that died years ago preeminently by Judicial Activism. Today’s Sovereign Immunity is secretly redefined by crooked Lawyer-Politicians.
For example, during the COVID Pandemic, I discovered that the future mayor of NYC, the then-governor Lawyer-Politician, Andrew Cuomo, IN CRIMINAL LAW VIOLATION OF FEDERAL NURSING HOME REGULATORY LAW, REMOVED MANDATORY STATE OVERSIGHT AND SENT COVID PATIENTS FROM HOSPITALS INTO NURSING HOMES WHERE 14,000 OR MORE INNOCENTS PERISHED FROM THE CONTAGION. I am told that we can now privately sue a police officer for forcibly arresting a criminal who is forcibly resisting arrest – the officer is no longer an agent of the Sovereign Immunity government – just a vulnerable common private citizen. But the governor creators of the nursing home massacres in NY and other Blue States (NJ, MI, etc.,, etc.,) created by Democrat Party governors in criminally violating federal law have ‘Sovereign Immunity’ – both criminally and civilly.
[There is a lengthy essay to that effect on this Website dated May 29, 2020, called “Dates That Will Live in Infamy???]
There is quite a list of empowered and immune from personal liability Lawyer jobs for Special Liars-for-Hire that I find both unconstitutional and grossly immoral. A few examples to follow.
The list of injustices is endless.
Nearly half a century ago, when I first started to wake up politically, I found an annually published wire service summary of the Manhattan criminal statistics. I was shocked to discover why violent crime had become so common. My memory may be imperfect and flawed but the following is a rough approximation. About one out of every 10 victim-reported crimes led to an arrest; about one out of every 10 arrests led to a prosecution; and about one out of every 10 prosecutions led to a ‘conviction’ – but even that was bogus. The preponderance of ‘convictions’ were ‘plea-bargain settlements’ with the most serious charges ‘dropped.’
If more crime required concomitantly more prosecutors and judges to maintain civilized standards for common people, THAT WAS GOVERNMENT’S PRIMARY PRIORITY ALONG WITH PICKING UP THE GARBAGE AS GARBAGE AND PROVIDING FIRE DEPARTMENT PROTECTION FROM FIRES.
Why are there so many extremely well-funded (predominantly by government) Left-Wing defense lawyers overwhelming prosecutors? A common citizen rarely can afford a third-rate 1 to 2 week legal defense – but Guantanamo mass murderer racist Arab Supremacist Muslim Brotherhood terrorists have the taxpayers secretly spend tens of millions of tax dollars on Special Lawyer defenses.
Why do ‘plea bargains’ dropping violent charges enable the Evil Left-Wing to dishonestly claim non-violent offenders are incarcerated? When Al Capone, responsible for countless murders, went to prison it was for a non-violent financial IRS crime only.
Why do non-political third-rate lawyers paid for by falsely accused common people so often fail?
Why does a Supreme Court Associate Justice on a ‘book tour’ casually acknowledge that, if he were a Washington Political Prosecution Victim (like Donald J. Trump), he would not have the funds for $300/hour and up (never audited to my knowledge) ‘necessary’ legal defense?
Why does the same federal judge, the ever so well respected by Liars-for-Hire Lewis Kaplan, persecute Donald J. Trump so obviously unfairly and then quietly without publicity decide to drop the second case against billion dollar bitcoin fraudster Sam Bankman Fried which would have included the hundreds of millions, or even billions, of dollars of illegal campaign funds to Left-Wing Democrat politicians?
Why has America’s Mayor Rudy Giulliani been disbarred instead of: Jack Smith, Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, Lewis Kaplan, Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, Andrew Cuomo, Fanni Willis, Juan Merchan, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, etcetera, etcetera?
You need not have Elon Musk’s IQ to assemble your own list of hundreds of such SPECIAL LAWYERS.
PS. Don’t you also wonder how many millions of dollars were spent for Alec Baldwin’s lawyers to prevent him from being prosecuted for killing one person and injuring another on a movie set in Arizona?