I. A Critique of the September 10, 2024 Presidential Debate
(Situated in time between two assassination attempts at Donald Trump)
Winners: NONE
Losers: EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS exposes itself yet again!
a. Chinese Communist Party – defacto major business partners of Disney-ABC
b. Iranian Revolutionary Guard
c. Muslim Brotherhood – a short list follows:
Epilogue: (Earlier essays on this website delineate Muslim Brotherhood history going back to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in British Controlled Post-WW I Palestine Mandate.)
II. The full conquest of the BOG by the ‘Longshanks’ Sturmer Hard-Left – Muslim Brotherhood UK ‘coalition’ – a brief history follows:
PS. Q: Whose country is the UK? Who owns it?
A: The Political ‘Elites’ that control the Muslim Brotherhood – Marxist-Leninist Coalition.