The Ruling Class in the corrupt Western Big Governments – i.e., the World-Wide Social Oligarchy Globalist Bureaucratic Occupation Government (WWSOG – BOG) – have 3 depraved and fatuous secret motivations for their flooding of their own countries with huge numbers of illegal migrants (somehow virtually impossible to legally deport in rational numbers, even in spite of violent crime).
I. Money – Growth of Total Wealth
Two centuries ago, the Scottish Economist David Ricardo objectively and scientifically studied the growing wealth of the British Empire even before the Manchester textile industrialization carried such economic growth into the excessive and abusive exploitation of common working people in the post-Napoleonic years of the 19th century – wherein the evils of fatuously Idealistic Marxist theorizing dogmatized their stupid fantasies into an Idealistic Faith for educated class control of common people for two centuries now and perhaps forever. (No matter how many millions of people they exterminate, they always MEAN WELL which is their self-described delusion.)
The dates are important as the industrial growth of wealth really took off. David Ricardo lived from 1772 to 1823; Karl Marx lived from 1818 to 1883; and his co-a$$hole colleague Fredrich Engel lived from 1820 to 1895. In the earlier age of David Ricardo, filthy textile factories had yet to take hold as a common standard; however, the mass employment of workers for wages had already begun on a smaller scale.
Ricardo repetitively uncovered the same pattern over and over again. Both common sense and the Economic Natural Law of Supply and Demand offered two other identical descriptions of the obvious.
If there are far more applicants for a wage-paying job than necessary, the wage paid is driven down in price. (Nobody wishes to overpay for anything.) However, the wage cannot be driven down below a SUBSISTANCE WAGE or the workers do not survive.
He called his discovery the Iron Law of Wages.
Driving down wages with cheaper migrants is favorable to employers. Starting with George H. W. Bush – with the exception of the Trump Presidency – this has been American Policy since Reagan left office. Politically, the American UNIPARTY is in perfect agreement on this. Decades ago, the Chamber of Commerce represented little businesses attempting to minimize the harassment and abuse of Big Government Bureaucracy (local, state, or national). That has no longer been the case for decades. Big Business employers in league with Big Government now ‘run the show.’
Phony Higher Education credentials empower the narcissistic academic ‘brown-noses’ to join the Professional upper-middle and upper class to live well off the labor of common people. (They don’t ever have to use their hands and get them dirty.) Ever-growing massive Government regulation provides lots of such well-paying employment for ‘educated’ Advocates and also even ‘Bean Counters’ of every possible description. Legal disputes over ‘Discrimination’ – a lawyer-controlled completely arbitrary concept – is just one of such wasteful activity to lower actual productivity of Real Wealth so as to empower the narcissistic useless Professional Classes with the perpetually clean hands. (Regulatory bureaucracy, compliance officers, plaintiff plus defense lawyers for manufactured disputes, etc., etc. constitute these Personally Privileged Professional Class jobs.)
II. Money – Distribution of Total Wealth
Since WW II, most years have seen an annual drop in Japanese population. In recent years, South Korea has developed the same pattern.
The Celebrity A$$holes (CA) of PhD prestigious Economics love to talk about Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a number that has to be made to grow bigger annually or something BAD is happening. The per capita growth GDP in its stead would mean the population generally should grow wealthier. That would mean that the citizens were generally better off regardless of the GDP Magic Number, plus or minus, up or down.
Common Sense would tell any rational person to want their children to be able to EARN a better and richer life than they have. Professional Economists could not care less if large numbers of more poor people create more human poverty as long as the GDP grows favorably by 4% or 5% or even more.
Irrational contemporary Economics is a MACRO-ILLUSION of what is always individual human life. Individual human life ought to be the focus of Rational Economics and every other field of study excluding only natural science, abstract mathematics and engineering. We are lousy with Credentialed Irrational A$$HOLES and undersupplied with Natural Scientists, Mathematicians and Engineers in the Natural Sciences.
[If you import 10% of your population in poor and destitute migrants and your GDP grows by 7%, is it not obvious that your per capita GDP has fallen by 3%? The rich get richer; the poor get poorer!]
III. Behavioral Science – The Amalgamated Biggest and Most Powerful Source of Delusional Lies in Big Government Sophistry Today
[Behavioral Science is the academic combination of Psychology, Sociology, Political Science and Economics. Their endless studies and reports are the source of every half-witted Big Government Bureaucratic NON-DEMOCRATIC IMPOSITION on common people.]
The WWSOG-BOGs have been imposing mass migration on the corrupt European Union countries for decades. The Bureaucrats love those Irrational MACRO THEORIES. And they all learn the affirmative Sophistry to promote it when in Higher Education. Frankly, I sincerely believe that 9 out of 10 are so irrationally stupid that they do not even realize that they are using empty clichés to lie to the common citizen majority.
They like to believe that they are ‘making a better world’ – the phony Narcissistic Idealist’s most fundamental Faithful Belief.
In 1789, King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette knew damned well that they were living luxuriously off the wealth created by the labor of common people – but they believed that was simply the way all societies always operate. INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY was an American Founding Principle – not a French societal belief.
Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette and whole lot of other Privileged ‘Nobles’ had their heads chopped off. Some heads were displayed on pikes to give thousands a good look at a far less imperfect version of actual Social Justice than today’s Irrational Marxist variations.
I would like to believe that our world does not have to come to that form of ‘Retributive Social Justice,’ but I am not Clairvoyant – no mere human is, no matter how ‘Educated’ (i.e., Indoctrinated) or how Sophisticated in Advocacy Speech!