Question 1: How underaged? In England, underage is under 16 not 18.
Question 2: Jeffrey Epstein ran a significantly underage sex racket with most every prominent Left-Wing political figure in the western world.
Question 3: When will President Trump release the ‘Epstein Files?’
Question 4: Other than Prince Andrew’s one encounter with a 17-year old female, why did he get the lion’s share of the social opprobrium?
Question 5: Doesn’t anyone remember the sex scandal in the 1980s with underaged…..
The following is my best memory of the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth – thankfully protected by the First Amendment.
In 1933, after Hitler’s Nazi (National Socialist German Workers’ Party) won a plurality of seats in the Bundestag, they followed a two-step process to consolidate power.
STEP 1: The large Communist Party contingent was banned as a threat to German self-rule Democratic choice.
STEP 2: With a plurality magically turned into a majority, they then passed…..
At the end of WW II, the previous ultimate tyrant Adolf Hitler chose to destroy his own country rather than allow an end to the insanity. If he had held a plebiscite or election, the German people would be unlikely to choose what Der Fuehrer chose.
If the Great Zelinsky is NOT THE NEW HITLER, let him prove it by allowing a plebiscite or election (which he cancelled earlier this year along with having banned opposition press, banned opposition parties…..
Those of us who actually learned arithmetic in elementary school could easily notice that the 2020 Biden 82 million alleged voters was a non-rational number. I posted a lengthy essay on this website to that effect – “Reason vs. Faith” – on December 5, 2020. It is still there with all its words and data.
With the suspension of First Amendment Free Speech during the Biden/Harris reign, countless dissenters have endured jail terms, government legal harassment and a host of…..
In Ancient Democratic Athens, voting was carried out in a public Assembly. Many centuries later, the Secret Ballot was introduced so that each voter was immune from PEER SOCIAL PRESSURE. Stalin carried on the pretense of Soviet Secret Ballot elections. Only one candidate could be voted for or the name of the dissident voter would be identified for Soviet Bureaucratic ‘Correction.’ Stalin’s candidates always won with close to 100% support.
In all of history, the purpose of the secret ballot…..