I. Stress: The physiological phenomenon of Stress has so much more to do with causing and/or amplifying medical problems than is ever seriously addressed by the Medical Profession. It is not easy to study, but it is a critically relevant and important factor.
II. Power: All human conflict (individual vs. individual and group vs. group) can be described as finally concluded by the side that FEELS THE STRESS most intensely submitting to the greater Bully to remove the imposition of…..
What if the 24-hour now dead and gone official FBI report that Iran HACKED the Trump Campaign communications AND GAVE IT TO THE DEMOCRATS also said that they also gave the ‘HACKED MATERIAL’ to WIKILEAKS too?
How could we have had eight years of Hillary-the-Liar and her Media Democrat Party ‘allies’ making it sound like the worst political scandal since their previous Big Lie about Putin ‘PERSONALLY HACKING’ the Hillary-the-Liar’s campaign in 2016?
I. A Critique of the September 10, 2024 Presidential Debate
(Situated in time between two assassination attempts at Donald Trump)
Winners: NONE
Losers: EVIL SCUMBAG PRESS exposes itself yet again!
Bias and incompetence revealed for all adults above a room-temperature IQ – 50% of voters or not? Omissions – Existential threats to Western Civilization NEVER RAISED in 90 minutes
a. Chinese Communist Party – defacto major business partners of Disney-ABC b. Iranian Revolutionary Guard c. Muslim Brotherhood…..
Since 2022 and the beginning of the Ukraine-Russia War, everything informationally that Russia releases as their version of everything, is Biden Administration 100% Censored from American Citizen access – not just RT (Russian English language Television).
Since October 7, 2023, every LIE claimed by Hamas (i.e., Gaza Health Department, etc., etc.) – no matter how many times rationally proven as a LIE – and every other LIE from any and all Muslim Brotherhood Jihadist ‘Political Wing’ of Goebbels-like propagandists as…..
The Ruling Class in the corrupt Western Big Governments – i.e., the World-Wide Social Oligarchy Globalist Bureaucratic Occupation Government (WWSOG – BOG) – have 3 depraved and fatuous secret motivations for their flooding of their own countries with huge numbers of illegal migrants (somehow virtually impossible to legally deport in rational numbers, even in spite of violent crime).
I. Money – Growth of Total Wealth
Two centuries ago, the Scottish Economist David Ricardo objectively and scientifically studied the growing…..
My 1960s college dictionary defines ‘Hostage’ as: 1. A person kept or given as a pledge for the fulfillment of certain agreements; 2. The state of the person thus kept or given.
That is it!
Although a near universal human practice, it is most easily ascertainable in Western European Civilization’s history.
During the Golden Age of Athens, when Pericles the Great was so often the senior General and, therefore, the Political and Military Chief Executive Officer of the Athenian-led Delian…..